October 2, 2024

By Paula Feitosa

Christmas is my favorite holiday — There is something magical about it. And, I love shopping for Christmas presents as well. It is fun to try to buy things for people that you think they might need; it gives you insight into the people that you love. Christmas, no matter where you’re from, is a magical occasion. And, although I am from Brazil, my favorite Christmas experience was when I came to the United States for the first time at 16. This Christmas was my first one away from my family. But, despite being away from everyone, that United States Christmas was my favorite!

For my American Christmas, I stayed with the Forbes family (they have a daughter that’s my age and we both played tennis together).

This was the first time I saw the differences in Christmas based on the country. In Brazil, we give each other one present. Normally, I would receive one present from my mom, dad, and brother. But at the Forbes’s household, I remember walking down and seeing a whole couch full of pink-wrapped presents (it was a crazy first-time experience for me).

After opening presents, we spent the day baking cookies and laughing; I truly felt apart of their family! And, by the time the day was over, we felt like a family. I will always remember the bonding that we did that day and the smell of the cookies that were in the air!

No matter where I am, Christmas is always a joyful time! As Christmas is upon us, enjoy the time with family and friends. And, Merry Christmas!

My Favorite Christmas Experience was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.