October 2, 2024

Elijah Tasini

For the first weekend of every October, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints gather together to listen to their prophet and his apostles. This major event is known as General Conference. During the conference, special messages are shared with anyone willing to listen and can be perceived in multiple different ways. On October 1, the morning session was centered on perspective and revelation. Continue reading to see which talks I liked the most.

Seeing More of Jesus Christ in Our Lives

Sister Tracy Y. Browning

In her talk, Sister Browning encouraged us to see our lives through a gospel perspective, in order to see more of the Savior in our lives. She then spoke about the recognition of her behavior that illustrated her daily dependence from two things; a tool that helps her to clarify and focus on the world around her, and a need for tangible guidance to continually point her in the right direction. As she said, “This simple routine practice mirrors to her a significant observation about our relationship with our savior Jesus Christ.

The Savior invites us to see our lives through Him in order to see more of Him in our lives.

A Framework for Personal Revelation

Dale G. Renlund

Elder Renlund taught us how to receive personal revelation through the Holy Ghost and how to avoid deception. Elder Renlund asked us to understand the framework within which the Holy Ghost functions. When we operate within this framework, the Holy Ghost can unleash astonishing insight. There are four elements that help us with our framework; the scriptures, personal revelation only within our peer view and not within the prerogative of others, personal revelation that is in harmony with the commandments of God and the covenants we made with him, and the recognition of what God has already revealed to you personally.

Let Doing Good Be Our Normal

Rafael E. Pino

Elder Pino suggested four habits to help members of the Church stay on the covenant path, aspiring us to do the following; spend personal and family time studying the scriptures, say personal and family prayer, attend sacrament meetings weekly, and participate frequently in temple work and doing family history. Elder Pino acknowledged that if we are steadfast and immovable in doing good, our customs will help us to stay on the covenant path.

If you want to learn and watch more of this October’s Conference and any previous Conferences over the years, you can get it at the Gospel Library, Gospel Media, the General Conference YouTube channel, the General Conference podcast, and the Church magazines.

Coming Closer to Christ was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.