October 2, 2024

By Paula Feitosa

Courtesy of https://svu.exposure.co/accolade

What is the Southern Virginia music program? The University’s music program is a collection of 14 music ensembles ranging from piano, to opera, to the elite mixed voice ensemble Chamber Singers. Each ensembles performs two to six times a semester. The next Chamber performance is during Homecoming week (Oct. 10–15).

The Southern Virginia music program also has a traveling a capella group Accolade. A capella is when singers (as a group) perform with just their voices, not instruments. Accolade is a selective program looking for the best singers the school has to offer. They sing a variety of music and have a sister program known as Knightingales. Accolade is currently short on all positions in the group, maintaining numbers that are half the size of a standard ensemble.

Despite their small ensemble, the group has created wonderful music. Accolade has taken on several large pieces such as Moana’sYou’re Welcome.” If you haven’t watched their videos, or seen the group perform live, it is a must watch for any student on campus!

If you have musical talent and would like to join the program, it is a wonderful opportunity to be with a talented group of seasoned singers.

The highest intensity group on campus is the Chamber Singers, who practice multiple times a week and have the highest number of performances. It is “a busy and rewarding schedule that gives you a feeling of accomplishment” according to Thomas Tidwell (‘23), a returning member of the Chamber Singers ensemble. Tidwell goes on to express what is likely universally rewarding to being a part of any of the ensembles: “The challenge the music poses is what I love about being a part of the ensemble to start. But, when the group has put in the time and begins to meld together, it feels like you are are a part of a large instrument. It is an experience that is magical and without equal.”

After talking with the ensembles, I highly recommend that you watch one of their performances this semester. My personal favorites are the Christmas concerts; the music is intoxicating and spiritual.

Check each group out and let me know which concert is your favorite!

Songs and Voices of Southern Virginia University was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.