October 2, 2024

By Jared Smith

Courtesy of Sabra Larson

Want free food?

Come participate in psychology research!

You might not know it, but Southern Virginia University’s Psychology Department conducts more research experiments than any other department at the University. When I first heard this, I was immediately intrigued. I spoke with Alison Caldwell-Andrews, Professor of Psychology, to learn more. She explained to me the research expectation for psychology majors saying, “The goal is to present at a meeting or publish [research]. . . It’s kind of an ambitious goal.”

And yes, everyone can get free food if you participate in a study.

Great, they conduct research! But what exactly are they researching in the psychology labs? I spoke with psychology major Nick Daynes (’24) and he told me about the research that was conducted last year. “It was a gratitude intervention. We had people write in their journal daily for six weeks, and they were either answering a prompt about gratitude or completing a control condition (writing things you learn during the day for retention). Our goal was to see if well-being improved in general.

So, what are they doing this year?

The research experiments that students are designing this year help find the answers to important questions about human behavior. As Socrates once said, Know thyself.That is exactly what our psychology department is helping us to accomplish; to know and understand ourselves. Listed below are two studies that are currently running (and you can participate today).

Personality Survey:


Social Anxiety and Affirmations Study:

Qualtrics Survey | Qualtrics Experience Management

Whether you’re a psychology major or not, it’s easy to see that their work is incredible. Next time you see a psychology major, pat them on the back for all the hard work they’re doing!

What Are Psychology Majors Up To? was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.