October 2, 2024

By Matthew Rosson

Hello ladies of Southern Virginia University! Recently, I had the pleasure of interviewing Mikaera (Mika) Purri (’25) for The Herald. After interviewing, I realized that Mika is a fantastic young bachelor.

Mika and I met during his freshman year and have been close ever since. Last semester, Mika moved into my house with me, my wife, and our two dogs. So, I would say I know this eligible bachelor pretty well. Throughout our quick interview, I realized what a catch he is. Because of this, one of you ladies needs to lock him down immediately.

For our interview, I asked the most bachelor style questions that will help our Southern Virginia bachelorettes realize they found the jackpot.

Courtesy of Mikaera Purri

Where are you from?

“I’m from Santa Clara, Utah.”

Why are you here at Southern Virginia?

“I’m here to play rugby.”

What is your major?

“My major is undeclared.”

What is the best part of Southern Virginia University?

“My favorite thing about Southern Virginia is the people.”

An important question for those ladies; how tall are you?

“I’m 5’10.”

What is your favorite food?

“My favorite food is my dad’s chicken”

What’s your favorite movie ?

“Revenge of the Sith.”

Did you serve a mission?

“I served a mission in Belem, Brazil and San Bernardino, California.”

Where do you see yourself in five years?

“I can’t say where I see myself in five years because I don’t know where I’ll be in five minutes.”

What do you look for in someone to date?

“What I look for in a woman is someone who loves herself for who she is. Also, she has to think I’m hot.”

Well, as you can see, this guy is single and ready to mingle. Mika is around campus searching for that special lady; we all know it could be you (yes, you, who is reading this right now). Mika is a return missionary, an athlete, and a student. He is a commitment waiting to happen. So, snatch him up while you can before another lady steals his hoodies before spooky season.

Courtesy of Mikaera Purri

Mikaera Puriri: The Most Eligible Bachelor at Southern Virginia University! was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.