October 2, 2024

By Elijah Tasini

This past May, Shylee Higley graduated from Southern Virginia University with a degree in Psychology and intentions to further study criminology. Right now, Higley is taking a gap year to apply to graduate schools and is working to make a little extra money. In addition to her studies at Southern Virginia, Shylee was on the track team throughout her college career (the team that won Conference this past year).

Shylee, when she can find the time, enjoys watching criminal documentaries (explaining her interest in criminology). Higley could spend all day watching documentaries (or watching anything in general) and can explain the whole thing to you, just as if you watched it yourself.

Shylee is ultimately interested in criminology because she wants to become an expert witness; a person who is permitted to testify at a trial because of knowledge or proficiency in a particular field that is relevant to any given case.

Aside from documentaries and criminals, Shylee also loves to cook and test new recipes. As her personal taste tester, I always enjoy her cooking. Some of my favorite dishes are her street tacos, butter chicken, katsu chicken with peanut butter sauce, and pork chops. Of course, we can’t forget the best part, dessert (she makes the best flan).

Shylee works at Southern Virginia University as a painter for the school. If you see a little woman in glasses and white overalls on campus, tell her she needs to do a better job. I’m joking! She does an amazing job at making sure everything looks new and beautiful on campus. So, if you do see her, thank her for her hard work. And if you’re looking for a job in painting at Southern Virginia, she can help you out with that too!

Courtesy of Shylee Higley

From Papers to Brushes was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.