October 2, 2024

By Katherine Kloepping

At the end of last year, I had the opportunity to become the Southern Virginia University rugby team manager and I have loved it ever since. If you know me, you know that I never stop talking about them. They are my team and my family.

At the end of August, I was working for IT with one of the rugby players, Jake Cuevas (‘24).

I knew him previously from doing an interview with him for The Herald.

As we were putting labels on boxes of iPads, we got to talking about rugby. Out of nowhere, Jake told me that the team was looking for a new manager and was wondering if I would be interested in the position. I jumped at the chance– it had been a rough start to the semester and I was excited for the opportunity.

The next day I had a meeting with Coach Smyth and got the position as rugby manager. It has been one of the best experiences I’ve had since coming to Southern Virginia.

Courtesy of Katherine Kloepping

When I first became manager it was a slow start. Some of the players wondered if I was dating or married to someone on the team. Others wondered if I was a photographer or just some random girl watching them practice. I questioned if I was ever going to feel welcome or feel part of the team. The players didn’t know if I was there just to say I was with the rugby team or if I was there because I cared about them.

It took one family home evening where I stood up in front of the team and introduced myself. Let me tell you, that was scary. I told them I was there for each and everyone of them.

Ever since that night, I’ve had my rugby family. They know that I will do anything for them, and they will do the same for me.

Once they accept you in the family, you’re one of them and no one dares to mess with one of their own.

I enjoy going to their games and cheering them on. Whether they win or lose, they know that I am there for them, regardless of the outcome. I think they find comfort in knowing that they have someone who is there for them and who is always supporting them through the ups and downs of whatever is going on– they have a mom figure there for them when they can’t be at home.

The team has become a big support system for me as well, whether they know it or not. They have become the ones I go to for anything. Most of them call me “aunty” and sometimes I mess around with them and say, “I am basically your mother,” which they never deny. After being around them for so long, I have learned the real meaning of unconditional love and what it is like to have a family that will do anything for you.

I am very proud of them and all of the hard work they put into their team. If you haven’t seen a rugby game yet, please come and support my team!

Courtesy of Katherine Kloepping

To find out more information about Southern Virginia University’s rugby team, see here.

The Joy of Being Rugby Team Mom…I mean manager was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.