October 2, 2024

By Severio Martin

Do you want better advice than Phineas and Ferb give, on how to spend your summer? I have stayed in Buena Vista for three summers– it is super worthwhile. Here are some of the reasons I feel students should stay over the summer.

Saving Money

“We highly encourage students to take courses during the summer term for a number of reasons. This year we are offering summer tuition at a heavily discounted price, which we hope students will take advantage of,” says Southern Virginia University’s Registrar Office

Southern Virginia University offers students the opportunity to receive up to nine college credits for internships. Each credit here at the University costs $835, which would be $2,505 for a 3 credit class. In comparison to the summer team, which is $495 pre credit or $1,485 for a 3 credit class. A full semester in college is up to 12 and more credits.

During COVID-19, many jobs have moved to allow remote internships. In the summer of 2020, I was able to do a remote internship and an in person internship, while living here in Buena Vista. I was also able to do two summer classes. I was able to do a full semester of college in a summer, which is allowing me to graduate a year early and save thousands of dollars.

“Taking classes over the summer will also give students the chance to graduate sooner and will provide flexibility as the majority of classes have an online option. The class size during the summer term is typically much smaller than the academic year, which gives students that 1-on-1 experience with their professor(s),” adds the Registrar Office.

Summer is Fun

There are plenty of summer adventures to get involved in as well. This area is nice for hiking and wilderness adventure. How often have you just walked in downtown Lexington, or Staunton, gotten ice cream and walked around to see what the city has to offer? Exploring local cities that you might not have time to fully explore during a busy semester is one of the pros to staying here over the summer!

You can explore D.C. and New York and other biggest cities. There are many summer adventures you can plan with a less stringent schedule, fewer classes and more work flexibility. This is on top of getting closer with friends during these adventures.

Build Your Resume

There are golden opportunities for both remote and in-person internships and jobs in the surrounding areas of Buena Vista. I did an AmeriCorps internship through the YMCA, and I am doing another in Stanton at the children’s center. There is a lower cost of living here than trying to move to D.C. or other bigger cities for the summer.

As you take advantage of more local, or remote internships while doing summer classes, you can build your resume and network towards other internships, which can help with graduate school and other jobs in the future.

Build Better Rapport With Employers

This allows you to be more flexible in your hours and schedule if you have to work during the semester. Networking with jobs in the local community can open up more opportunities in the community. You will spend a majority of your time doing so during the next few years. As you go through local jobs, you receive higher wages through your years in school.

There are many positive benefits to staying over the summer. This is a picture I took on a hike last summer. Virginia is beautiful during the summer. Did I also mention no more family rules, just you living your best life over a college summer?

Why Stay In Buena Vista Over The Summer….Literally, Give Me One Reason Why was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.