October 2, 2024

By Abby Hansen

Welcome back to Campus Crush Confessions! As the semester ends, opportunities to confess your campus crush are also fading away. If you feel a certain way about someone, now is the time to tell them! And if it goes horribly wrong, you will have the summer to recover emotionally.

Let’s get into this round of submissions, shall we?

To: Lincoln Trapp

What your secret admirer likes about you: “He is kind and spiritual and gives off Prince Charming vibes.”

How your admirer knows you:I know this sounds crazy but I had a dream where I married a guy that looked like you before coming to school. Honestly, it felt like a sign from God.”

What’s stopping them from asking you out:I think he has a girlfriend, but you never know if that will last! What is meant to happen will happen.”

From: “Daughter of God

Um…I’m not going to say much because this one speaks for itself.

I do really hope this is a joke, but if not, good luck with that.

To: Tanner Bone

What your secret admirer likes about you:His last name has a nice ring to it

How your admirer knows you:I look longingly at him in institute”

What’s stopping them from asking you out:His bright blue eyes are so consuming I get nervous”

From: “Bone-time”

I’m choosing to ignore what you’re saying about his last name…

In institute? You should be focusing on the savior, not Tanner Bone’s “bright blue eyes.”

To: Ammon Lewis

What your secret admirer likes about you: “I love the way the light catches his silver hair.”

How your admire knows you:Through a friend”

What’s stopping them from asking you out: “He just graduated so I don’t see him on campus.”

From: “Eponine

Wait- is it silver or blonde? You’re not giving me much to work with, so I don’t know. You should try to hang out with him through friends or something. I’m still caught up on the “way the light catches his silver hair” bit. I need to know what toner Ammon uses to get it that light.

To: Adelaide Westenhaver

What your secret admirer likes about you: “She is so so pretty, she has the kindest heart, she’s also very intelligent”

How your admirer knows you:She was my hallway crush first semester, but now we have a class together, and I see her at chick fil a”

What’s stopping them from asking you out:Umm she’s straight out of my league”

From: “biggie moo”

Adelaide seems chill. I mean she did send me angry dms about the latest Taylor Swift article, but besides that she seems pretty cool. The semester is about to end. Now is the time to go for it!

To: “That marketing guy, think his name is Elijah?”

What your secret admirer likes about you:He’s attractive and has good vibes, plus he’s got some impressive photography skills.”

How your admirer knows you:I saw him on mutual but didn’t swipe up… saw him in person and now i regret it”

What’s stopping them from asking you out: I never run into this man and don’t know how I would make it happen”

From: “Mutual regret”

Consider figuring out his name before you ask him out. Doesn’t marketing have an office on campus? If you’re that desperate, you could always just hang out there until he shows up. It would come off as stalker-ish, but hey, do your thing. Or DM him or something.

(I’m joking; please don’t stalk this man).

That’s it for part seven! If you missed parts one, two, three, four, five, or six, click on the links below:

Campus Crush Confessions: Part One

Campus Crush Confessions Part Two: Everybody Likes…the Same Guy?

Campus Crush Confessions Part Three: Teammate Betrayal

Campus Crush Confessions: Part Four

Campus Crush Confessions Part Five: Wannabe Homewreckers

Campus Crush Confessions Part Six: To Kendall and Graycie

We are still taking submissions for Campus Crush Confessions; click here for the form.

Campus Crush Confessions Part Seven: Time Is Running Out! was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.