October 2, 2024

By Hailey Paige

Personally, I try to stay away from milkshakes because I might be mildly lactose intolerant. However, for the sake of research, I’ve decided to ask my teammates their favorite flavors and try the ones I think sound the best. I will be rating each milkshake like I’m Keith Lee.

Cookout is a fast food restaurant that many college students love. Mostly known for their cheap prices on their cookout trays they also offer over 40 different flavors of milkshakes and you can mix them together for all different flavor combinations.

Photo Courtesy of cookoutmilkshakereviews.com

The first flavor my teammate, Madi Staples 25’, recommended was oreo chocolate malt. I’m not a big fan of chocolate, but I got it anyway. The taste reminds me of the whopper candy. Rating: 2/5. The next flavor I tried was double chocolate with M&Ms. It really just tasted exactly like I expected it to, chocolate with M&Ms. If you’re a fan of chocolate, then I would recommend getting this. Rating 2/5. Lastly, I got strawberry and this might be a biased opinion, but I’m rating it 5/5. I was very happy this was a flavor choice because if I do get a milkshake, this will always be my first choice.

Photo courtesy of southernliving.com

Overall, I think the team sticks to very basic flavors so trying them out wasn’t too bad but I might have to take some lactaid. What are your favorite flavors?

What’s the Best Cookout Shake? was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.