October 2, 2024

By Kaitlyn Hardy

Courtesy of Dan Meyers

My name is Kaitlyn Hardy, and I’ve worked as one of the editors this year for The Herald. I took it upon myself to make sure that the students here at Southern Virginia University had great resources to turn to in terms of their mental and emotional health throughout their semester and college experience.

The notion of taking care of yourself has always held great importance in my heart. I wanted this staff to take part in giving students tips, tricks, and resources to make taking care of themselves easier and more enjoyable.

This year, the staff covered topics from taking care of your mental and emotional health, to hacks on selfcare, to speaking out about your anxieties, and more. We covered a range of topics this year, and I’ve been so pleased to see the students take to them as well as they have.

As editor and instigator of these topics this semester, I thought I’d share with you the five top editor’s picks.

10 Free Self-Care Activities

  • A 5 minute read on 10 activities you can do to find some stability again within your life. Author: Riley Rehl (‘23).

5 Reasons to Put Yourself First

  • A 5 minute read on the importance of filling your cup too. Author: Krailyn Guymon (‘23).

Dealing With Intrusive Thoughts: How You Can Handle Them

  • A 3 minute read to learn how to better approach your fragility when dealing with mental health struggle. Author + Editor: Chloe Cochran (‘23).

How to Start Your Happiness Journey

  • A 5 minute read on beginning your self-prioritization. Author: Krailyn Guymon (‘23).

How to Center Yourself

  • A 4 minute read on grounding, recentering, and finding your stability again. Author: Hannah Doolin (‘23).

See these and more in our Student Life archive, and look forward to more on The Herald!

Extra Article From Yours Truly, Author + Editor,

6 National Hotlines and What They Do

  • A 2 minute read to raise awareness of the hotlines that are readily available to you whenever you need them.

Editor’s Picks: Mental Health Column was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.