October 2, 2024

By Malia Hickman

Courtesy of Stalk-vault

Songs give us a way to show emotions and experiences. For my playlist, I choose an easygoing playlist, consisting of the Doobie Brothers, Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, and others. I enjoy listening to music that can be played whenever and wherever. It brings me happier emotions and uplifts my esteem. It sets me up to have a productive, good day. It’s not something one sided towards a singular emotion. You can listen to this type of music no matter how you feel.

This short list consists of songs that keep a neutral stance towards emotions. There are few commodities where we’re able to make connections, and music is one of those things. I can feel happier listening to easy-going songs — they take me back to long summer days with no school or many responsibilities. They keep me going when I’m struggling with an assignment or having a rough week. This playlist is here to make you feel good and productive in every environment and setting.

All the songs on the playlist are rock and pop songs. The songs here create an environment where you’re enjoying a nice cold drink on the beach or a casual walk around campus. No matter where you go, these songs are here to be played wherever you go. To make you feel good about yourself and where you are in life. If you have any recommendations, please let me know in the comments!

Knight Shift: Light and Easy Song Recommendations was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.