October 2, 2024

By Jex Mecham

Image Via Baileigh Aland, Student, Class of 2024

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down for an interview with Baileigh Aland, a second semester junior, majoring in family and human development and minoring in psychology here at Southern Virginia University. In our brief conversation, I got the opportunity to get to know a fellow SVU Knight.

I met Baileigh outside of the Round Table, while she was working on homework. Having been tasked with finding someone to interview, I rushed out of Main Hall and spotted her. I quickly introduced myself and asked her if she was comfortable being interviewed for The Herald to which she replied, “Yes,” though I can’t imagine she was super enthused to answer questions from a random guy who she had just met. Even so, she was a gracious interviewee. Over the course of our chat about her story, her affinity for 5 Seconds of Summer, and how the women’s soccer team looks this season, I came to know someone who’s energy makes SVU a special place.

Baileigh came to SVU to play soccer after having grown up in San Diego, California. Her parents wanted her to go to BYU, but heard about SVU’s women’s soccer program from a former player and became interested. Baileigh eventually sent some of her game film to the coaches, and later made the decision to move to Virginia.

Curious as to her experience here at SVU, I asked her what she liked and disliked most about Southern Virginia, considering its unique position as a small liberal-arts college in a church-centered environment.

I really like the small classes…I have a friend who goes to BYU-I, and she [told] me that there’s like a hundred kids in her class, and just…I couldn’t do it…I feel like you don’t get any relationship with the teacher, especially like for your major with like hundreds of kids. How are they supposed to build a relationship with you and like, help you understand what you are learning?

When asked what she would consider changing about SVU, she expressed that she would change, “Communication between [administration] and the teachers, but that would be the only thing — it’s not bad.”

Though our conversation was brief, I came away with a greater appreciation for Baileigh and for my fellow students, each of whom help to create the experience that is Southern Virginia University.

SVU Student Spotlight: Baileigh Aland was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.