October 2, 2024

By Jex Mecham

Image Courtesy of @svuedu

Over the weekend here at Southern Virginia University, the student body gathered for the weekly Friday Forum, an event usually marked by a highly-decorated guest speaker. This weekend — however — was a break from the usual, instead taking on a holiday-focused atmosphere.

Following a minute of silence for the tragic passing of SVU Alum Soriah McCubbins on November 18th, University Provost James Lambert introduced the program for the day. Featuring Christmas music from the university’s aapella ensemble Accolade, Chamber Singers, and Symphonic Band, students and faculty were treated to a beautiful selection of Yuletide harmonies. Interspersed between acts, Dr. James Lambert recited a hilarious SVU-themed rendition of the classic poem The Night Before Christmas.

The event culminated in a speech delivered by Southern Virginia’s President, Bonnie H. Cordon. Her talk focused on God’s introduction of babies, such as Jesus Christ and current apostles, to lead and guide the world according to His plan. The talk featured members of SVU’s student body — or rather their baby pictures — and, as President Cordon emphasized, “These wonderful students represent all of us, because all of us were born at this time to help move the Lord’s work along. Just like the babies that were born in the past.”

Image Courtesy of @svuedu

The university forum was an excellent opportunity for SVU to come together to celebrate the Christmas season. The forum likewise served to uplift and remind those in attendance of the meaning of the season, and to appreciate the many blessings afforded us here at Southern Virginia University. To those reading, wherever you may be, safe travels and merry Christmas!

The team here at The Herald would like to offer our condolences to the McCubbins and Lunt families at this time. If you would like to donate to help for funeral and medical expenses while Matthew McCubbins recovers in the hospital, please donate at https://gofund.me/da349394.

A Very Merry Forum was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.