October 2, 2024

By Jetty Huish

Many people, when they hear the word “golf,” think of a leisurely pastime, where people go out on the course, get drunk with their friends, and have a good old time smacking the ball around. However, at the college and professional level, golf is the most mentally demanding and physically precise game in the world, leading it to be one of the most difficult sports to become great at.

Golf requires an immense mental fortitude. In a competitive setting. golf requires you to be completely in the moment. It is essential, in order to play well, to have a strong and unshakeable mind even when things are not going your way. In an interview with Golf Channel, six-time NBA champion Michael Jordan opened up about this topic. He said, “I kind of got into golf mainly because, from a competitive standpoint, to me, it is the hardest game to play.” “You’re battling yourself consistently to try to get perfection. Every swing, every putt.”

This constant battle with oneself on the golf course epitomizes the mental challenge that golf presents. The need for unwavering focus, even in the face of distractions, is the hallmark of elite golfers. Additionally, the mental strength required in golf extends to decision-making under pressure, since golfers must strategically navigate each hole to achieve their best possible score.

Moreover, the mental aspect of golf often separates the good from the great, as it’s the ability to conquer one’s own mind that often leads to victory on the course. As a member of the golf team here at SVU, I understand first hand how difficult the mental side of the game is. I would argue that it is much more difficult to develop a golf mind, then a physical golf game. Golfers who can maintain their composure, make sound decisions, and persevere through adversity ultimately find success in a sport where the margin for error is razor-thin.

Furthermore, golf is not just mentally demanding but physically precise. The game is governed by a multitude of rules and nuances that players must adhere to. Golfers must be aware of not only the rules but also their surroundings, as they walk the course, calculating distances, wind conditions, and course layout.

Achieving a pure golf swing takes a tremendous amount of coordination, repeatability, confidence, and practice. Whether you’re a novice or a professional, improving one’s swing is an ongoing endeavor. Golfers must also master the art of short game (chipping and putting), which require entirely different skill sets. Golfers must be proficient in hitting from various lies, including rough grass, sand, hard pan, and managing uphill, downhill, and sidehill lies, adding an even more physically demanding element to the game.

Managing a golf course and knowing all the rules are additional layers of complexity that contribute to golf’s difficulty. Golf course management involves understanding the terrain, selecting the right clubs, and adapting to changing conditions throughout a round. Golf has an extensive rulebook that covers a wide range of scenarios and situations, making it essential for golfers to be well-versed in the rules to avoid penalties and maintain fairness during play.

Golf’s reputation as one of the most challenging sports is well-deserved, demanding mental fortitude and physical precision with a deep understanding of course management and a comprehensive knowledge of the rules. Golf is a uniquely demanding and rewarding sport. It’s a game that tests a player’s character, perseverance, and skill, offering an unparalleled sense of achievement to those who dare to master it. Here at SVU we have many golfers on our golf team who are working on mastering this game everyday. To learn more about our golf mens and womens team here at SVU click here.

Golf: The Hardest Game to Master was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.