October 2, 2024

Who You Got? — MLB

By Jeremy Brown

Bryce Harper and Corbin Carrell (Getty images)

Southern Virginia University is a school filled with people from all over the world with different backgrounds, assertions, and opinions. With the MLB playoffs in full swing, the issue of who is winning it all this year is hot on people’s tongues. So I thought, why don’t I find out who you got?

Forest and his wife Caroline at D’Backs Game

Forest Southerland, an athletic trainer for SVU and a diehard Arizona Diamondbacks fan, is originally from Utah. He says,

“I started liking them around the time they came to the league. I don’t remember why but I think it’s because I was on the Diamondbacks tee ball team when I was like 6. They’re gonna win it all this year because they have a top tier defense, stud pitching, and Corbin Carrol is an absolute animal.”

I can agree because the D’Backs are going to win it all. The Bird has spoken.

Results of a poll Form The Heralds Instagram (@theheraldeditorinchief)

Logan Baker (‘27), a Los Angeles Dodgers fan from all over, says,

“My great uncle played in a band on opening night of Dodger Stadium.”

His father, coach Jon Baker, was born and raised in Southern California as a Dodgers fan and passed the love for the team off to his team.

Nolan Opp at a Braves Game

Nolan Opp (’25) from Clearwater, Florida, loves the sport of baseball. Following a lot of the teams based in Florida, with his favorite being the Atlanta Braves. He backed them all the way to their eventual loss to the Phillies. “The Braves are the team of the South.”

Results of a poll Form The Heralds Instagram (@theheraldeditorinchief)

Kira Farley (’26) comes from Frisco Texas, just outside Dallas, and because of this she grew up a Texas Rangers fan.

“Everything is bigger in Texas, especially baseball.”

Kira grew up going to games at Rangers Stadium.

“I love the Rangers and hate the Astros.”

Results of a poll Form The Heralds Instagram (@theheraldeditorinchief)

Bree Knight (’26) is a fan of the Philadelphia Phillies because in her words, she is “obsessed with Bryce Harper.” She has followed his career with her fandom. She used to be a Washington Nationals fan, but now backs the Phillies:

“They are gonna win the World Series, duh.”

Results of a poll Form The Heralds Instagram (@theheraldeditorinchief)

I’m not a betting man but if I was, I would put a lot of money on the fact a team from the National league would win the World Series. As a Diamondbacks fan myself I hope they can pull it off.

But no matter what teams are in the World Series, tune in to watch history be made this October.

Who You Got? — MLB was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.