October 2, 2024

Former Young Women general president, Bonnie H. Cordon, appointed to serve as Southern Virginia University’s 10th president.

By Abby Hansen

On Friday, October 13th, Southern Virginia students and staff gathered in the Knight Arena, awaiting a “special announcement” from the SVU Board of Trustees. With dimmed lights and whispers from the crowd, the Board made their way to the stage. Walking alongside the Board was former Young Women general president Bonnie H. Cordon.

President Bonnie H. Cordon greeting a SVU student at her Sept. 29, 2023 devotional. | Photo courtesy of Southern Virginia University.

Anticipation and excitement grew in the arena as Laura Whiteley, Presidential Search Committee chair and trustee, gave details on the search for Southern Virginia University’s next president.

“We began the process [this] last April… We appreciate everyone who participated in the search process — faculty, staff, students, and friends — for their feedback and perspectives that helped us arrive at such a wonderful outcome.”.

Laura Whiteley announcing the Presidential Search Committee’s recommendation on Friday, Oct. 13, 2023. Whiteley serves as Presidential Search Committee Chair as well as a Board Trustee | Photo courtesy of Erik Flores.

Laura Whiteley concluded by announcing the Presidential Search Committee’s recommendation of Bonnie H. Cordon.

University Chairman L. Hugh Redd followed, officially announcing that the Board — by unanimous vote — had elected Bonnie H. Cordon to be Southern Virginia University’s tenth president.

Recognition and gratitude towards Former President Wilcox and Acting President Denna incited a standing ovation from the crowd, overwhelming the arena with applause.

“We commend and express our gratitude to President Wilcox and Acting President Denna for their tireless efforts and service to our university.”

Chairman Redd voiced the Board’s excitement to welcome the new university president:

“Building on the foundation and vision of her predecessors, we look forward to following and supporting President Cordon as she leads us into the future.”

L. Hugh Redd announcing the appointment of Bonnie H. Cordon as university president on Friday, Oct. 13, 2023. Redd serves as Chairman of the Board of Trustees. | Photo courtesy of Erik Flores.

As newly appointed President Bonnie H. Cordon was invited by Chairman L. Hugh Redd to speak, she was met with her own standing ovation. Through the slowly dying-down applause, a smiling Cordon exclaimed, “Who wouldn’t want to be a Knight!”

In her first opportunity to address Southern Virginia University as president, Bonnie Cordon reminded the audience of the Lord’s love and expressed her commitment to her role as president.

“The Lord loves you, and he loves this campus.”

“I am committed to building upon this university’s legacy with faith in Christ and wholehearted enthusiasm for the future.”

President Bonnie H. Cordon with a group of SVU students following her Sept. 29, 2023 devotional. | Photo courtesy of Southern Virginia University.

The announcement concluded with a performance of Shenandoah from the Chamber Singers and a closing prayer from Former Acting President Eric Denna.

Campus Reaction to President Announcement

As the crowd flooded out of the arena, I spoke to a few students and a professor about their reactions to the announcement of Southern Virginia University’s newest president.

Sione Tokelau (’25) (Psychology Major):

“I saw her a few times around campus and then I heard we were getting a new president. I’m like, oh, it’s going to be Sister Cordon for sure!”

Sikeli Naivalu (’26) (Business Management Major):

“You could feel the spirit when she spoke, so. I’m grateful for that.”

Professor Sarah Maitland:

“I am thrilled about having President Cordon here on campus. I’m thrilled about what she may do for our school and for her leadership, to experience her style of leadership. She has years and years and years of experience leading organizations far, far larger than our own. And I’m really excited to see what happens when she brings that experience here to us at SVU.”

Jeremy Brown (’25) (Business Management Major):

“Honestly, I had my suspicions that it would be her, so when the announcement was made I was excited. I’m super excited to have her. I am deeply saddened to lose President Denna. He was so amazing. I literally cried giving him a hug. I’m a wimp. I know, but I’m excited to see what Bonnie Cordon has to offer to the school. She has some big shoes to fill, but honestly, I think she’s up to the task!”

Southern Virginia University’s 10th president, Bonnie H. Cordon. | Photo courtesy of Southern Virginia University.

A New Era for Southern Virginia University

Cordon follows the longest-serving SVU president, Reed Wilcox (2014–23), and acting president, Dr. Eric Denna (January-October 2023). President Cordon will begin her new role immediately, with plans for a presidential inauguration yet to be announced.

President Cordon’s promises to “be accessible to students’’ and to “build upon this university’s legacy” signal a new era for SVU. Cordon’s past work with youth and young adults, as well as her background in church leadership, gives confidence in her ability to succeed as university president.

We look forward to seeing where President Cordon will lead Southern Virginia University and how she will contribute to the school’s continued growth.

Special thanks to Caleb Palmer for providing pictures and to editor Anna Bonney for her contributions to finalizing this article.

The Herald is a student-run newspaper dedicated to covering topics related to Southern Virginia University and those who make up its campus. Follow @theheraldeditorinchief for updates and more content. For inquiries or concerns, contact Abby Hansen, the Herald editor-in-chief, on Instagram @theheraldeditorinchief.

Bonnie H. Cordon Named SVU President: Announcement and Student Reactions was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.