October 2, 2024

By Olivia Norton

Here at Southern Virginia University, clubs are a necessary part of the school culture in providing community and support for students.

Fall of 2022 Club Fair (Image by: Southern Virginia University)

This semester, I had the special privilege of writing articles for five clubs and associations here at Southern Virginia University. I had the chance to interview these organization’s leaders and members. Although I did not have the opportunity to meet with every club, there are many more than just these five (and they are just as interesting)! You can read about these five clubs and associations by clicking the links below:

Club Highlight: What is SVSA?

Club of the Week: Black Student Union

What is the Polynesian Heritage Association? — (A Luau in Virginia)

Pride Club: More than Rainbows

Business Club: The Club for Everyone

As I conducted these interviews and engaged in my conversations with peers, I came to recognize a common feeling among club members. Almost everyone had a different reason for coming to Southern Virginia University, but they all said that the reason they stayed is because of the club or association they are involved in. It kind of baffled me until I thought of my own experience.

I absolutely love Southern Virginia, but my first semester here was hard. I was so far away from my home and I wondered why I was going to school all the way out here when I could go somewhere closer to my family. It wasn’t until I joined the Polynesian Heritage Association that I finally felt like this was my home. I found a community that I felt welcomed in and a part of. I suddenly had a support group of people who would watch out for me and that I could help take care of. That’s why clubs are so important. It’s an opportunity for students to have a family in a college setting.

If you are not participating in a club or association and you’re feeling a little lonely, bored, or lost, join a club! The list above is a great place to start 🙂

Fall of 2022 Club Fair (Image by: Southern Virginia University)

Why Clubs Are Vital was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.