October 2, 2024

By Anna Liu

Part V: A Vampire’s Proposal

Read Part IV: The Werewolf Called Wickham here.

Rather than sulk about in Meryton, Jane chose to visit their aunt, Mrs. Gardiner, in London. There would be plenty of opportunities to see Mr. Bingley again, she was sure. Elizabeth bade her sister good-bye, and as Jane disappeared up the road, Elizabeth wondered if she might benefit from departing Meryton as well.

An invitation soon presented itself. A letter from Charlotte arrived, inviting Elizabeth to come and stay at Hunsford Parsonage with her and her husband. Elizabeth already missed Charlotte dearly, so she eagerly accepted the offer. She admitted to herself that she was also curious about how Mr. and Mrs. Collins were getting along.

It was a long journey to Hunsford, but Elizabeth didn’t mind. The day she arrived, Charlotte came outside to greet her. “Lizzie, it is so good to see you! Do come inside and tell me all that I have missed in Meryton.”

“There is nothing much of interest to discuss,” Elizabeth said, “except that the Bingleys are no longer living in Netherfield. They’ve returned to London.”

“Ah, the country life must be too slow for the likes of them. I take it Jane did not take that well?”

“I know she must be sad, but she hides it, much like she hides everything else. She’s with our aunt in London now. I believe she’s hoping to encounter Mr. Bingley again.”

“Romantic,” Charlotte remarked, though not approvingly.

Elizabeth leaned forward and took her friend’s hands. “Charlotte, enough about Meryton. Tell me about your life. Are you happy?”

“I am happy,” Charlotte confirmed. “My husband treats me quite well.”

As if summoned by the mention of himself, Mr. Collins appeared in the doorway and beckoned them both inside. “We must prepare for dinner at Rosings Park, Mrs. Collins. Lady Catherine will expect us to look our best. She is quite generous to offer us places at her table, even you, Miss Elizabeth.”

Elizabeth, who had been unaware of the dinner at all, nodded in agreement. Charlotte gave her an apologetic look.

Elizabeth freshened her appearance the best she could before they ventured across the lawn to Rosings Park. Lady Catherine’s home was a formidable manor that stood high against the sky, a stain on the countryside. Elizabeth smoothed down the front of her dress as they were let in. It was the finest one she had brought, but she still felt out of place amid the grandeur that wrapped itself around Rosings.

Lady Catherine herself sat at the head of the table. The vampire sat tall and straight, her pure white hair pulled tightly back. Her dark eyes glittered as she took in the visitors.

As they ate, Mr. Collins did his best to drown Lady Catherine in a sea of compliments. Lady Catherine let him go on for a while, clearly enjoying the attention. When she grew bored, she turned to Elizabeth. “Miss Elizabeth, do you have any brothers or sisters?”

“I have four sisters, Lady Catherine.”

“Four! How many are out in society?”

Elizabeth was saved from having to explain that they were all out in society when Lady Catherine’s attention snagged on someone else.

“Nephew, you’re late.” Her voice was tinged with disapproval.

“I did not realize the time. My apologies.”

Elizabeth knew that midnight voice. She turned and met Mr. Darcy’s piercing gaze. The vampire’s face was void of emotion.

“Miss Elizabeth,” he said, inclining his head.

“Mr. Darcy, what a surprise.” Elizabeth’s tone was carefully neutral. She glanced at Charlotte, who only raised her eyebrows slightly.

“You know my nephew?” Lady Catherine asked.

“We met briefly during his stay in Meryton,” Elizabeth said.

“Meryton!” Lady Catherine exclaimed. “Isn’t that the dreadful place that nearly trapped dear Mr. Bingley?”

“Trapped?” Elizabeth echoed.

“From my nephew’s descriptions, Meryton is not suitable for vampires. If not for his advice, Mr. Bingley may have wasted his life away there.”

Blood and Prejudice: Part V was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.