October 2, 2024

By Abby Hansen

Music is a great way to connect individuals; whether it’s sending someone you’re specially-made playlist, or recieving theirs. Sometimes, music can leave us curious too as we wonder what our friends are listening to (or maybe even our… Professors). With the launching of the Knight Shift, the staff at the Herald are aiming to give everyone on campus a chance to share and compare their taste in music. Each week we will take playlist submissions from students, coaches, and members of the Southern Virginia University faculty to review and post to the Herald Spotify. Each playlist will consist of five songs with a mood and/or activity that you can associate it with (see below for reference). Whether it be your go-to workout, studying, or singing along in the car playlist, we want to hear your playlists!

Fill out our Google Form by clicking here and wait to see if your playlist will be selected for a feature. In the meantime, check out our staff’s playlists that have been posted to the Knight Shift and follow our account for updates!

Staff Writer: Abby Hansen

Staff Writer: Olivia Norton

Staff Writer: William Stanton

Knight Shift: Sounds of SVU was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.