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A Review: Kenney’s & More

By Koby Parry

Kenney’s has reopened in Buena Vista, which means there’s a new fried chicken shop to check out. I went a couple days after the opening day, and here are my first impressions.

It’s not just a restaurant. It’s a weird gas station-restaurant hybrid with isles of treats and gas station groceries. There are two tables if you would like to eat in, but they were covered in crumbs, likely due to how busy it was when I went. The customers that sat there didn’t seem to care much for cleaning up after themselves.

I ordered the four-piece chicken box, which comes with four “biscuits”. I say biscuits loosely because they are not the flaky, buttery biscuits that we all think of when we talk about biscuits. They’re more like little fried dough balls, which makes sense why they would give you one ‘biscuit’ per piece of chicken. I also ordered the mac and cheese, but I never actually got it. I waited for almost an hour until I eventually just gave up on it.

The chicken was OK. I may have set my expectations too high, but if I ate a KFC chicken leg and a Kenny’s chicken leg, I don’t think I’d be able to tell the difference. It was also much more expensive than KFC. One of my colleagues went when it was less busy and stated that it was awkwardly quiet. There was no music playing, the workers weren’t talking, and there was a general feeling that no one wanted to be there.

I like to give every place I go at least two chances just in case, so I might change my opinions if I go again. As it stands now, there’s no rush to go there. It’s ok, but nothing to write home about. If you’re bored and you’ve got nothing else to do, go check it out and support the local businesses in town.

A Review: Kenney’s & More was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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