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How to Avoid Being Killed by Finals

By Kedryn Chandler

(Photo by Kedryn Chandler)

We all know that feeling. Whenever the semester gets to crunch time, the assignments pile up, and there’s that lingering headache that won’t go away. Finals can definitely be a mood killer. Trying to stay afloat amongst all of this may seem like an unbearable burden. But with a few of these tips, which some may have become very familiar with and we all know, you might keep your head afloat for just a week longer, and honestly that’s all you need.

  1. Show up to class — The biggest thing you need to know is to regularly attend class, even the last few weeks of school. I know it’s that time when things start to wind down, and everybody is always doing one last trip or going to get food before the semester ends. Or maybe you’re one of those people who likes to sleep and nap through classes. That’s okay. I’m not here to judge. But the last few weeks of classes are crucial, mainly because professors will talk about assignments that you may forget about, what to expect on finals, and how to prepare. Maybe they’ll tell you you can bring a cheat sheet, but how can you know that if you’re not there? Another thing is professors sometimes give out extra credit at the end of the semester. These opportunities may be presented in class or given for literally just showing up when nobody else did.
  2. Use office hours and tutoring — A million times out of ten, the tutor knows what they are talking about. They can help guide you through study guides, final tests, homework, or what that professor might be expecting. Heck, it might even be better to go to the professor. They’re nice and actually want to see you excel, so they will always help you.
  3. Get sleep — This one may seem obvious but make sure you are getting your sleep in. Whenever I don’t get good sleep in and wake up exhausted, I have a problem of NOT CARING about assignments. I think, “Oh, well, if I turn it in late or don’t do it, it won’t drag my grade down that much.” Moral of the story is: it can. And it all started with me going to bed late. Having a good night’s sleep helps with memory, reasoning skills, and awareness. Don’t get easy questions wrong because you didn’t get good sleep.
  4. Productive procrastination — I recently listened to a classmate talk about productive procrastination. Some people work better under crunch time, and if you know that about yourself, then go for it! But if you aren’t normally a procrastinator and have a hard time formulating ideas, then maybe you need to set aside the project or study guide, go relax and do something else you enjoy, then come back and start again. Sometimes I find I am the most productive the first half hour I am working on school work, so I take many breaks.
  5. Nature walks — This one won’t necessarily help you with your upcoming finals, but it will help you feel good. Getting a breath of fresh air can help you reset and encourage you to go on, getting yourself motivated thinking, “You can do this!” Because you can. So go outside whenever the opportunity presents itself.
  6. Be HAPPY — One of the most important things is to make sure you are happy. Nobody wants to sit next to a grouch during the last few weeks of school. Plus, whenever you are in a good mood, it makes school work seem way easier. So don’t put off things that make you happy.

Whether it’s a study guide or normal paper you’re working on, we here at The Herald are to tell you that you’ve got it! Just power through a little more. If you want to read about meditation and mental health to help you out, feel free to click this link! Unless you have a paper due tonight. Then do that!

How to Avoid Being Killed by Finals was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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