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Campus Crush Confessions: Part Four

By Abby Hansen

We are back with another round of Campus Crush Confessions!
Before we begin, I need to make some clarifications about a story posted on our Instagram (follow @theheraldeditorinchief if you don’t already). The story I posted on April 1st about publishing all the names and emails of those who submitted crush confessions was, in fact, an April Fool’s joke. I personally thought it was obvious, as it was our third fake post of the day, but it wasn’t to many of you. These submissions are completely anonymous, and I have no way of knowing who submitted what!

Anyway, let’s get started with these confessions!

To: Makaila Gallardo

What your secret admirer likes about you: “Every word you speak is like a song, every step you take is like your planting flowers, every eye roll you give me is the cutest thing around, when you eat the cafeteria pizza it is music to my ears, and finally when you press the elevator buttons it warms my heart like no other. Makaila I am deeply in love with you.”

How your admirer knows you: “Lofts4Life

What’s stopping them from asking you out: “I’m a nervous baka, who needs my alpha”

From: “Kaden”

This submission made me want to stop campus crush confessions. I don’t really have anything else to say about it, but if I had to read it then y’all should too.

To: Helen Candland

What your secret admirer likes about you: “She’s such an amazing friend. Plus she is stunning. The way she loves her gluten free Dino nuggets is just so cute”

How your admirer knows you: “Through a friend”

What’s stopping them from asking you out: “She’s a little aggressive

From: “A friend of a friend”

A little aggressive? Okay, would you rather her be boring? Man up and ask her out. Or don’t and continue to be a wimp. It’s up to you, bud.

To: Sam

What your secret admirer likes about you: “he’s a dear friend of mine and so cute!”

How your admirer knows you: “🤭”

What’s stopping them from asking you out: “Ex issues”

From: “pickleball girl 🤭”

If someone is your ex, then why is he still an issue? If you like this guy, then it shouldn’t matter! Unless they’re related or teammates or something. Yeah, don’t date your ex’s relative or teammate. That would be way too messy, and I personally wouldn’t want to deal with it. But also it is a small school so, not a lot of options… With the limited information you’ve given me, I would say make the ex not an issue and then go for it.

To: Jackson Gorringe

What your secret admirer likes about you: “It’s so cute when he gets so angry on the field. It’s like a little elf 😚”

How your admirer knows you:Business class

What’s stopping them from asking you out: “I already tried 14 times… he’s not ready for a relationship right now I guess”

From: “The girl in the yellow dress with the puff sleeves and satin lining with a singular red rose rose tucked behind her left ear🌹

Maybe the fifteenth time is the charm? Go get your angry little elf (your words not mine).

To: Nick Daynes

What your secret admirer likes about you: “I freaking love you! You have the sweetest smile and the most soothing voice. Also according to the baseball roster, you play piano and i want you to serenade me someday. I wanna marry you. For reals.”

How your admirer knows you:He’s in my ward (sort of)”

What’s stopping them from asking you out:He’s 5 and a half years older than me😭”

From: “Your future wife”

Let me stop you right there. Five and a half years older than you is WILD. You were still in middle school when this man graduated from high school! This may be controversial to some people, but I think dating a teenager while you’re in your mid-twenties is insane. But what do I know? If it’s meant to be, then it’s meant to be. Good luck to you!

That’s it for part four! If you missed parts one, two, or three, click on the links below:

Campus Crush Confessions: Part One

Campus Crush Confessions Part Two: Everybody Likes…the Same Guy?

Campus Crush Confessions Part Three: Teammate Betrayal

We are still taking submissions for Campus Crush Confessions; click here for the form.

Campus Crush Confessions: Part Four was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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