October 2, 2024

By Kedron Phillips

Photo Courtesy of Flickr

As winter time comes to a close, spring seems to be highly anticipated. Many students around campus have expressed their feelings about winter ending and spring beginning. When warm weather hits, the feeling of summer seems to sink in. There are many more activities to participate in to make life in Buena Vista more enjoyable when it is warm out vs when it is cold.

Wintertime’s close is possibly what students look forward to most. Hyrum Denney, a sophomore, says “I look forward to spring because the weather gets warmer and it means that summer is just around the corner.” I can fully say I completely agree with Hyrum. Who doesn’t love a warm, sunny day?

Maddy Fisher, a senior, says “I’m excited for the green to come back! It’s my favorite thing out here! Being outside and soaking up the sun and finding new adventure spots. Springtime is the best time.” That’s so true Maddy, springtime is the best time to be at college with all your friends!

Eveline Melville is also a senior. You could say by now she definitely has the spring time activities down pat. “I’m looking forward to that nice hit of dopamine that comes from sunshine. I look forward to going hiking as well as hammocking.” This statement is so true. There are so many hiking trails or nice spots to set up a hammock. Don’t let these fun opportunities go to waste!

Photo courtesy of Landscape Architects

If you are a freshman, I hope you brought a bathing suit from home because I am sure by now you have heard of the James River foot-bridge. In the spring when the weather has been warm for a while you can find students flocking there in droves! This is a popular spot to swim as well as jump from! Don’t worry…the drop is definitely as big as it looks!

My freshman year during the spring I loaded up with my friends and drove down to the bridge on a Saturday. As always, SVU students were already there swinging from rope swings and doing back flips from the top railing. My friends and I decided that we should jump as well. As I climbed through the bars to stand on the metal ledge, I thought to myself “what the heck am I doing?” They counted down from three and all it took was a slight step off and down you go. As I dropped to the water I remember thinking “shouldn’t I be hitting the water now?” Then continued to drop for what felt like 5 more seconds. We hit the water in sync and it was COLD. No amount of 75 degree weather was making that polar plunge feel ANY better. My friends and I swam as fast as we could to reach the rocks to climb out.

Needless to say the experience was AWESOME! That could be because I come from a family of adrenaline junkies but that’s just me.

Photo courtesy of Flickr

The moral of the story is that there are PLENTY of fun things to do around Buena Vista in the spring. Whether it is catching a baseball or softball game, going on long walks, laying around on the campus grounds, finding a good place to hammock by the river, or taking a thirty minute trip to the footbridge. I can confidently say that spring will make getting out for the summer a little more sad…at least it does for me! The beauty of SVU is that it offers so many unique experiences, in the classroom as well as outside of the classroom. Now, go find some fun ones of your own!

Are you looking for more fun ideas? Check out this article by Sydney White.

Wintertime’s Close was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.