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Meet the Next SVSA Executive Council

By Tenley Baxter

(Tristram Kenworthy/The Herald)

The Southern Virginia Student Association aims to promote SVU’s mission to gather, lift, and launch the students of Southern Virginia University. According to SVSA’s bylaws:

“The general purpose of the SVSA is to represent student interest and needs, provide a forum for student expression, serve as a reliable information source for the student body, and foster academic excellence.”

Members of SVSA intend to support the students here at SVU in the best way they can, according to their area of specialization.

Here are the members of the spring ’24 semester Executive Council:

  • Student Body President: Benjamin Whitted
  • VP of Student Services: Kai Barton
  • VP of Campus Relations: Emmeline Merrill
  • Secretary: Sophia Hirst

These positions were the focus of the Friday, March 8th elections. Kai Barton campaigned with Whitney Ofa for Student Body President and Vice President of Campus Relations, respectively, and was opposed by Audrey Mckean and Mariela Perez for the same offices. Justin Madsen ran unopposed for Vice President of Student Services, and Lauren Fowler and Steven Cantos sought the position of Executive Secretary. SVU students enthusiastically supported active campaigning, and all campaigners showed their pride and love for our school.

Here are the election results and more about the next student leaders of SVU:

Student Body President: Kai Barton

(Kai Barton. Courtesy of Kai Barton)

The purpose of the SVSA president is to communicate and represent the needs of the student body directly to the University administration and, in turn, relay important information back to the Executive Council of the SVSA. I asked Kai about her personal goals for SVSA. She explains,

“One of the primary focuses of almost every officer or candidate you will talk to is that they want to unite the school and bring students and administration closer together. This is great, but the resounding question is always how will they do it? While in office, I am hoping to provide more of what we call “forums for student expression.” This might entail holding monthly or twice/semester meetings with me (President) for married students, club presidents, etc. I would then take this information and feedback to the administration as deemed most effective. How can we help the students who might be underrepresented or even not represented at all feel important, loved, and needed in our campus family? As Student Body President, I will be working with a team of at least 14 other officers, many of which have not participated in University Student Government before. One of my largest goals is to methodically lead in such a way that these representatives can work together to equally represent every possible corner of campus. In doing this, we can unite in the University’s mission to Gather and Lift our fellow peers”.

What has been your experience with SVSA?

“So far, I would describe my experience with SVSA to be a long period of waiting but also enlightenment. I have learned so much about how to approve and facilitate things on the University level while also understanding methods to most constructively lead a team. I love to learn, and I am looking forward to learning from SVSA’s next team.

What most excites you about working in SVSA next year?

“I am most excited for the growth that is going to come with this position! I am also looking forward to the ways the SVSA and I can explore how to most effectively represent the student body authentically and wholly. I am thrilled that I have this opportunity to be a tool for both the students and administration that can best communicate ideas to each other. I love the legitimacy SVSA has been gaining at the University and I am excited how this will affect our approaches to represent the student body this next school year!”

Vice President of Campus Relations: Whitney Ofa

(Whitney Ofa. Courtesy of Whitney Ofa)

Whitney explained that this role is responsible for building strong bonds between SVSA Senators and the various departments, establishing successful partnerships, upholding responsibility, encouraging teamwork, and advocating for the needs of students. While she has many goals for her new role, her three main priorities are enhancing the involvement of married students in campus activities, bringing a more diverse campus experience, and even potentially having a welcome center for student mothers.

What has been your experience with SVSA?

“Before I ran this year, I had never been a part of the Southern Virginia SVSA. I was somewhat informed about student government because my husband Sione Ofa was involved in it this past year. In high school, I participated in student government and truly enjoyed it! I felt I had a lot to offer and that I cherished SVU dearly! I wasn’t your usual college student — I got married, had a baby, and was anxious to pursue SVSA! Professors and even mentors encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone, and to run for the position. I’m looking forward to working with the students and making progress in this coming year. I’m excited for the goals and dreams we have for SVU and I hope we can achieve them this next year!”

What most excites you about working in SVSA?

“I can’t wait to meet more students on campus and become more active in the clubs, sports, art, student wellness, and events! Working with the executive council excites me! I’m looking forward to the upcoming year and I hope that SVU can become a proud place we can call home! GOOOO KNIGHTS ⚔️‼️”

Vice President of Student Services: Justin Madsen

(Justin Madsen. Courtesy of Justin Madsen)

The purpose of the VP of Student Services is to connect the executive council and the representative council (senators of academics, art, athletics, etc.). Justin intends to “create an environment where students can make lifelong memories through activities and desired changes which have been voiced by the student body.”

What is your experience with SVSA?

“I don’t have experience working for SVSA but as a member of the student life team I was able to work with SVSA members and they really impressed me with their care and drive to help the school.”

What are you most excited about working in SVSA?

“I am most excited to connect with the students and to represent the university as a whole.”

Executive Secretary: Lauren Fowler

(Lauren Fowler. Courtesy of Lauren Fowler)

The executive secretary is responsible for organizing the executive council notes, creating action items, reminding the executive council of their action items, and following up. Lauren’s goals include greater club support, better campus-wide communication, and bringing back study-abroad opportunities. She also aims to get more outdoor seating for students and clean the fish pond outside of the Round Table.

What is your experience with SVSA?

“My experience with SVSA has been very little but I’m excited for that to change! Most of my experience has been going to some of the spirit week activities, and having lots of friends involved in SVSA that have made great impacts on me!”

What most excites you about working in SVSA?

“I’m most excited about working with different individuals that are passionate about making SVU an even more wonderful place than it already is so everybody who comes will have a special experience.”

This wonderful new set of students seem to be well-suited to serving our campus community. I am confident they will make positive changes through SVSA!

Meet the Next SVSA Executive Council was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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