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Campus Bathroom Reviews Pt. 2

By Jetty Huish

Southern Virginia University’s campus is celebrated for its scenic beauty and commitment to maintaining high cleanliness standards. However, the bathroom experiences across the campus can be a mixed bag. In this review, we will delve into three distinct locations: the Institute (Church) Building, the Writing Center Bathroom, and the Main Hall 3rd floor.

Institute (Church) Building

The bathroom(s) in the Institute Building sets an exemplary standard for cleanliness, adhering to a “church standard.” Offering a private space with a convenient diaper-changing station, this facility ensures a hassle-free and pleasant experience. The absence of unpleasant odors and minimal foot traffic adds to the overall appeal, making it a reliable choice for a quick and comfortable visit. The negative aspect is the location. The bathrooms are in the LDS Church building, which is kind of out of the way from the rest of campus. But, if you are close by, they are a really good place to stop. I would definitely say that any of the bathrooms in the Institute building are some of the best overall on campus.

Writing Center Bathroom (Bottom of the Library)

In stark contrast to the Institute Building, the Writing Center Bathroom (formerly Bottom of the Library) falls short in several aspects. The space is notably cramped, featuring only one urinal and one stall. The stalls, unfortunately, are too short, creating an environment where accidental eye contact becomes uncomfortably common. This lack of privacy may lead to discomfort, especially during peak hours. The confined space and limited facilities could result in waiting times, making the Writing Center Bathroom less than ideal for those seeking a quick and discreet visit. The user experience is notably compromised, and improvements in both space and privacy are warranted.

Main Hall 3rd Floor

Transitioning to the Main Hall 3rd Floor, the bathroom experience presents a mixture of positive and negative elements. On the positive side, the availability of numerous stalls allows users to create distance, offering a semblance of privacy. This feature is beneficial for those who prioritize a more secluded bathroom visit.

However, the stalls remain too short, particularly inconvenient for taller individuals and the people who may be potentially exposed to people looking over them.. The overall appearance of the bathroom is not aesthetically pleasing, and users are advised to select stalls carefully to avoid discomfort, especially if their neighbor is over 6 feet tall.

The bathroom facilities at Southern Virginia University’s campus display considerable variety in terms of cleanliness, privacy, and overall appeal. While the Institute (Church) Building maintains a high standard, providing cleanliness and privacy, the Writing Center Bathroom (formerly Bottom of the Library) falls short in terms of space and privacy. The Main Hall 3rd Floor offers a balance but still requires improvement, especially in stall height.As students navigate the diverse bathroom options on Southern Virginia University’s campus, individual preferences will play a significant role in choosing the most suitable location.

Campus Bathroom Reviews Pt. 2 was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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