October 2, 2024

By Sierra Nye

A case for shifting Southern Virginia University’s semester breaks before Thanksgiving

Southern Virginia University, Courtesy of Sierra Nye

As universities continually strive to enhance the well-being of their students, one significant aspect often overlooked is the timing of semester breaks. Traditionally, academic institutions schedule a short break between Thanksgiving and the winter holidays, compelling students to return for a brief period before the semester officially concludes. However, a compelling argument can be made for adjusting the academic calendar to commence the semester break prior to Thanksgiving, offering students a more restful and emotionally supportive transition into the holiday season. Let’s start school at the beginning of August, and end our semester before Thanksgiving and not return until after the New Year!

Southern Virginia University has one of the highest travel rates of their students, with the average miles traveled is 1,248 miles. This makes holiday travels for most of our students pretty difficult. They either have to be able to afford to travel home twice within just a couple weeks of eachother, or they have to miss out on some of the best times of the year because it just doesn’t make sense for them to travel. Leaving some students in a tiny town with not a lot of people here to surround them.

Mitigating Burnout

By concluding the semester before Thanksgiving, SVU will provide students with an uninterrupted break, allowing them to rejuvenate and recharge without the looming burden of pending assignments or exams. This shift can be instrumental in mitigating burnout, ensuring that students return for the new semester with renewed energy and focus.

Alleviating Seasonal Depression

The period between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day can be challenging for many individuals, with seasonal depression affecting some. Allowing students to be with their families and friends during this time fosters a supportive environment, without the added stress of returning to school, having assignments, and finals can positively impact mental health. It acknowledges the importance of familial connections during the festive season, serving as a buffer against feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Enhancing Academic Performance

A well-rested and emotionally stable student body is likely to perform better academically. By front-loading the semester break, universities promote an environment conducive to effective learning. Students can return from the holidays with a clearer mind, better prepared to tackle the academic challenges ahead.

Improved Travel Planning

Shifting the semester break to precede Thanksgiving facilitates more efficient travel planning for students. It allows them to celebrate the holiday with their families without the added stress of impending academic responsibilities. This adjustment recognizes the significance of familial bonds and the cultural importance of Thanksgiving.

Faculty and Staff Well-being

The benefits extend beyond the student body to include faculty and staff. Concluding the semester before Thanksgiving provides them with a more extended and uninterrupted break as well. This consideration contributes to overall morale, ensuring that everyone involved in the academic process can enjoy a well-deserved respite.

Peer Feedback

When asking some of your fellow peers about their thoughts on this matter, this is what some of them had to say!

“I would love that” — Skyler Nelson

“Idk I hate coming back for those last weeks but I also know people work during the summer and coming back early would be a little rough. Like a big part of why byu does it the way they do is so that people have a longer summer to work and our summer already gets a little cut just because we get out late in May. But I’m glad they changed that this year and we are getting out earlier.” — Addy Thorpe

“i think that’s the best idea anyone ever had” — Braylie Green

“1000% yes” — Kira Follo

“That would be nice! It’s definitely hard to get back into the swing of things after a break” — Maddy Fisher

“I think yes, I told Professor Covington we should start doing that!” — Jackson Burbidge

Now I know doing this could cause some other conflicts with the athletic teams. Some of the fall sports have to be back early in the summer for their fall camps, and the winter sports might be competing during the break because they are in season. However, Southern Virginia University is a liberal arts institution. The main focus is around our education and the well-being of students and their education. If someone has chosen to participate in a sport, then they have ultimately made the decision to make the sacrifices that come with being on the sports team. If that is missing some of the holiday breaks, then that is just a consequence of being a part of that team.

In reevaluating the timing of semester breaks, Southern Virginia University has the opportunity to prioritize the well-being of their students, faculty, and staff. Shifting the break to commence before Thanksgiving acknowledges the importance of mental health, family connections, a balanced academic life, and so much more. By fostering a supportive environment, universities can contribute to a more positive and holistic educational experience for all.

A Case for Changing SVU’s Semester Schedule: Student Burnout is Real! was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.