October 2, 2024

By Daniel Lawhorne

“Hopefully you’ve had an amazing time here at SVU. We want the rest of your life to be amazing, too.”

Photo courtesy of SVU

I had the opportunity to meet with Professor Jared Covington to discuss some of the details of the launch center.

What is the launch center?

The launch center is the revival of the career, but it’s not just for finding jobs after college. The goal of the center is to launch students into the leaves that will be meaningful to them, whether that’s a lifelong career, grad school, or being a stay-at-home parent. The center seeks to ultimately help students focus on whatever comes next after school. The hours of the launch center will be tailored to students’ needs and availability.

How will the launch center operate?

Students will be trained as career coaches and will assist others with putting together resumes, finding internships, and help put together applications. The student workers will also help students network with professors with connections to various grad schools and industries to help students find an “in.” The launch center will also serve to connect students with alumni who may have the connections they’re looking for.

Who is the launch center for?

The launch center will be for all SVU students and alumni to use starting January 2024.

I’m excited to see the launch center in operation next semester. From the conversation I had with Professor Covington, it sounds like something that students and alumni will truly benefit from.

Answering Your Questions About the Launch Center was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.