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Random Class Feature: Digital Photography

By Kinsley Rapier

Are you wanting to start a new hobby? Well, Professor Brinn Willis has just the class for you! Digital Photography I is the perfect introduction to all things photography. Once you take your first class, you’re guaranteed to be hooked. Professor Willis is a fun and engaging teacher who makes sure her students experience an array of different photography styles. She was kind enough to let me interview her so we all can get to know her and her photography classes.

Here is my Q&A with Professor Willis:

Can you give me a brief overview of how the class is structured and what the course work entails?

“Well first off, I teach multiple courses. Digital Photography I, which covers the general manual mechanics of the DSLR camera, a variety of lighting techniques, and several composition studies. Digital Photography II dives into the genres of photography, such as landscape photography, street photography, portrait photography, food photography, and cinematic photography, to name a few. Digital Photography III gives students the opportunity to plan and execute a semester long photoseries on a topic that’s meaningful to them. This course culminates in an epic end of semester art show, where the class is able to install their final series for family, friends, and the campus community to view. Analog Photography is a throwback to old school techniques where students shoot, develop, and print their own film. I have also taught other courses such as Alternative Processes and even a semester long course on Wedding Photography.”

What fun/exciting things do you do in this class?

“I love to get my students out of the classroom, shooting as a crew. We have group shoots every week where we do things like explore texture in downtown Lexington, shoot landscapes from the James River Footbridge, capture the flying sparks of steel wool photography, or bust out the fog machine and some colored lights for a funky cinematic shoot in our very own Fawson studio space.”

Why do you think students would want to take this class?

“It’s a nice change of pace from the everyday grind. Getting outside in nature, being creative, and working together with your crew… it’s hard not to get inspired. We might start the semester off as strangers, but by the end of it, we’re often friends, roommates, significant others, and we’ve even had a couple marriages come out of the camera crew.”

Do students need their own camera to take this class?

“Yes. Students need to provide their own DSLR camera in order to participate in the photography courses. Most students are able to find gently used gear at affordable prices on Facebook Marketplace.”

Are there any prerequisites for your photography classes?

“The upperlevel classes like Photo II and III do require Photo I in order to take them and I also suggest that anyone taking Analog start with Photo I to learn the basics first.”

Do you have to be an art major?

“Nope! Anyone can take photography. Those who are interested in photography have the opportunity to complete the concentration whether they’re an art major or not.”

Will you be offering this class in the Spring?

“I teach Digital Photography I and Analog Photography every semester. Digital Photo II is taught every Spring and Digital Photography III is taught every Fall.”

What is your background? How did you end up teaching this class at SVU? What is your degree in?

“I graduated from SVU with a degree in Family and Child Development and a minor in Art. I ended up starting my own wedding photography business and did that for 18 years. I also mentored over one hundred budding photographers and hosted several multi-day retreats for wedding professionals all over the country. Once I had three young kiddos at home, however, traveling every weekend wasn’t feasible anymore, so I decided to step back from the wedding industry to focus on my family. Just a matter of months later, SVU reached out asking if I’d be interested in building up a Photography Concentration on campus and it turned out to be the dream job I never even knew I’d wanted.”

If any of this sounds interesting to you, go sign up for Digital Photography I in the Spring. Who knows what might happen? You may find your new favorite hobby, a potential career, or even your future spouse. Also if you want to see some incredible content, go give @svucameracrew a follow on instagram!

Random Class Feature: Digital Photography was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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