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Forum With the Dennas

By Curtis Stone

President Denna addresses the student body at the Forum. Photo Credit: Southern Virginia University

On September 22nd, students gathered in the Knight arena to hear Acting President Denna and his wife speak at the weekly forum. Provost Lambert opened the University meeting with details on athletic events and other miscellaneous events happening in the coming week. We then heard a beautiful song called ‘The Beatitudes’ by the choir after an opening prayer.

Jamar Robinson introduced the Dennas, talking about how kind and personable they each are and their deep commitment to each individual student at the campus. Mrs. Lyn Denna spoke to us first about learning and the importance of it throughout our entire lives, both in and out of the classroom. She told a story of how, in college, she had to learn to make her own decisions and become self-sufficient, a lesson she is still applying to this day. Not only did she speak about learning, but about how each of us are also teachers to the people around us saying,

“We are all teachers for good or bad — how do you present yourself?”

Her critical point came at the end of her message when she said,

“If we’re not changing as we’re learning, we’re not learning.”

Acting President Denna then had the opportunity to speak to the student body. He first told a story of himself at seventeen years old, hiking the Pacific Crest trail alone. He said that this experience helped to shape his future as a constant learner as he studied the Book of Mormon along the entire trip. While reading, he found a pattern of divine learning. The pattern goes from desire, to seeking, to repenting, to covenanting, to receiving, to serving, and then starting the process over again with desire. This process does not only have to be about our church or religious services, but can be about every aspect of our daily learning lives. He ended his message with a powerful quote saying,

“Discipleship is the road less traveled by, and it makes all the difference.”

Join us Friday, October 13th at 11am for the next Forum.

Forum With the Dennas was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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