October 2, 2024

By Rico Diego

Energy drinks- Image courtesy of https://www.flickr.com/photos/franganillo/45597924825

As a certified caffeine addict and a publicly well-known advocate, I believe caffeine is what will get you through college. I was told, “You’re the guy I saw every day with an energy drink last semester.” Since coming to Southern Virginia University in 2021, I have taken 15–18 college credits. I have also worked a part-time job of at least 20 hours, am currently the Assistant Executive Secretary for the Buena Vista YSA stake, and am a Men’s Wrestling team member. In an ideal world, I drive a Lamborghini and get an average of 8–10 hours of sleep. But that’s not the point of life I am at; it is the life I am working for. I am lucky to get six; five is acceptable; four, and I am most likely getting ready to double scoop my pre-workout before wrestling practice. Sorry, Coach. If there were a way for me to personally thank caffeine for helping, I would. It helps me stay awake during a boring history class, have the energy to do my class readings, and stay awake to study a bit longer. Other students are in the same boat.

Courtesy of Google

SVU Students Who Are Pro-caffeine

Xavier Jukes, a Sophomore, gives us an insight on why he needs caffeine.

“I have four classes, and they absolutely suck because of the workload. Tuesdays and Thursdays are even worse because I work those days and the pay isn’t even that great. Between work, wrestling, and a social life I end up having to make sacrifices. Sleep is what gets tossed out.”

Parker Arnold, a Junior, says,

“I only take it for when I work out, but it definitely makes my life easier.”

Ethan Ashton, Junior, says,

“Man with all the homework I have it really helps to stay awake and manage to do just a bit more. I tried not to rely on it but it definitely helps to make life a bit easier.”

Caffeine is what helps a lot of people to stay alert and focused. Without this caffeine, these students would be even more tired and maybe even more backloaded on work.

Courtesy of Google

SVU Students Who Are Anti-caffeine

With all this being said, a good amount of students don’t take caffeine at all. Tyson Hoopes, a Junior, says,

“I don’t take it since it messes with my sleep.”

Chase Pope, a Junior, says,

“I don’t take any caffeine at all. It makes it significantly easier on the wallet.”

Macgregor Henrichsen, a Junior, said this about caffeine use.

“I don’t like the idea of being dependent on something so I try to avoid it.”

A popular and well-known freshman, Hunter Merrill, said,

“I don’t take caffeine, but I am so exhausted.”

My Caffeine Go-tos

While some may argue that it affects your wallet, sleep, and addiction; I simply see the benefit outweighing the cost. I personally recommend the Orange Dreamsicle from Reign, the Sour Patch Kids Ghost, and the Yerba Mate Berry Blue.


If you are wanting an amazing pump and energy at the gym, I recommend taking the following concoction:

  • Sour Patch Kids Blue Raspberry Energy Drink
  • Prime Lemonade Energy Drink
  • Prime Lemon Lime Sports Drink
  • Your favorite pre-workout
  • Creatine
  • Sour Patch Kids Extreme Airhead Patches
Loyal Holms (one of the strongest wrestlers on the team) trying out the Heart Attack Concoction. Courtesy of Rico’s iPad

What is your favorite way of getting caffeine? Do you have any fun concoctions people should try?

THE #1 KEY TO SUCCESS AS A COLLEGE STUDENT was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.