October 2, 2024

By William Stanton

With the spring semester coming to a quick end, so is the spring sports season. I sat down with a few of the graduating athletes to reflect on their time here at Southern Virginia and their time spent participating and competing in their respective sports.

In a two-section article (click here to read the other section), graduating spring athletes will be highlighted. To view graduates from tennis, rugby, lacrosse, and men’s volleyball, keep reading.

(Certain spring sport representatives were contacted for an interview, below are the responses we received).

Men’s Lacrosse

Caleb Brodie

Connor Haacke

Seth Millington

Eric Norr

Women’s Lacrosse

Alissa Johnson

Tayllor Millington

Tayllor Millington during Senior Night presentation


Michael Ellis

Nate Matis

Kai Burke

My favorite thing about SVU has definitely been the relationships I have created as well as the memories I have created with those people. They have shaped who I am today and have made my time at SVU much more enjoyable.

My favorite memory was definitely our undefeated season the first year we were here! We beat Queens (the Division 2 National Champs) and Army (top 10 ranked Division 1 team) as a first year rugby program. Though I have loved every year I have played rugby here at SVU.

My biggest accomplishment is probably just being involved and a part of the rugby program since day one.

Kai Burke before a match against James Madison University

Men’s Tennis

Marlow Perez-Urrutia

Marcos Dias

My favorite thing about SVU is the friendly environment. Everyone I know is super nice and helpful. My favorite thing about Buena Vista is the beautiful view we get to see everyday. I am from a big city so living in the mountains has a little different vibe, also no traffic lol.

I have many great memories while playing here, but I think my favorite was winning the conference tournament in 2021.

My biggest accomplishment while competing in tennis was being 917th in the world. While competing at SVU was ranked top 10 nationally in singles and doubles.

Marcos Dias vs. Brevard College

Men’s Volleyball

McKay Walker

Steve Rasmussen

Tyler Sheaffer

Jeff Tomlinson

To all of our senior athletes, we want to say thank you for representing our school and for your dedication, sacrifice, and determination in your respective sports.

Honoring our Seniors: Senior Spring Athletes was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.