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Knight Shift: Julia Evans’ Growing Up Playlist

by Abby Hansen

Julia Evans (’24) is a music major with concentrations in both music industry and music history and literature. Evans is also a part of chamber singers and the jazz ensemble here at Southern Virginia University. The Tennessee native enjoys playing the banjo and composing her own music. Click here to listen to Julia’s growing up playlist and read below to find out why she chose each song!

Julia Evans’ Growing Up Playlist

1. Growing Up by Run River North

Feels like it encapsulates the theme of growing up.”

2. Capriccio for Solo Viola, op 55 by Henri Vieuxtemps/Antoine Tamestit

It sounds so lonely and yet so hopeful at the same time.”

3. Hello My Old Heart (10 year anniversary version) by The Oh Hellos

It’s about allowing yourself to process emotions and let other people in, which is a huge part of growing up.”

4. The Age of Worry by Yebba

It’s all about allowing yourself your time and peace in a chaotic world.”

5. The Road Home by Stephen Paulus/Voces 8

It’s about searching for a home, and finding guidance through God.”

The Knight Shift: Sounds of SVU is continuing to accept playlists to feature on our spotify. If you have a playlist you want to submit, fill out this form!

Knight Shift: Julia Evans’ Growing Up Playlist was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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