October 2, 2024

By William Stanton

After just six years, Southern Virginia University has made an important announcement in regards to the official University colors. Moving forward, the University will be changing its color back to the green that was used for nearly two decades. The University made the original color change from crimson to green in the early 2000’s to match the nature surrounding the city of Buena Vista. But in 2017, University leadership decided to change the school’s colors to better represent Southern Virginia’s symbol; Main Hall.

While Main Hall will remain the same color, school apparel and athletic uniforms will be reverted back to green.

In the formal announcement given by the University, these changes won’t be coming without a cost. In the same way that tuition was raised to provide each student with a personal iPad, tuition will also be raised to cover the costs for new school apparel and athletic uniforms. Also included in the announcement is an anonymous statement given from the Southern Virginia’s leadership committee,

“Being that this is the first full year of in-person classes after the pandemic, we decided that what’s old is new again, and green is a sign of rebirth.”

This change will be made into effect in the upcoming fall semester of 2023.

The University will still be using the Knight logo on all school issued apparel, now on green clothing. With it being on such short notice, Nike won’t be able to make the turnaround to provide each fall team with new uniforms. The University’s athletic teams who compete in the fall will have to wear green pinnies and/or oversized green t-shirts. Rather than having some players have uniforms and others without, each team will have to compete in either all pinnies or all oversized t-shirts, decided by each sports coach.

The University’s leadership hopes to get everyone at Southern Virginia behind the color change and behind the idea of new beginnings. As the school is always looking to improve, they would like to hear from you on this new and exciting edition to campus!

April Fools!:) Share this story to trick a friend.

Green Is The New Crimson was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.