October 2, 2024

By Tanner Gonder

Dry and crusty sand stretches out of sight on either side of the island and is met by the surf-sized waves that curls into foam. Seashells and crabs litter the shore like diamonds sparkling in the warm sun. A calm breeze whips through your hair, enveloping you with the salty smell of an ocean teaming with life. Fishermen yell, “fish on” off the rustic piers jutting out into the deep blue ocean. Surfers decked out in wetsuits from head-to-toe prance towards the gnar, anxious to catch their next big wave. Couples are walking their dogs along the shore while dipping their feet in the cool water. And there’s me, right in the middle of all of it. My face glistening with water, I sprint towards the ocean. Nearing the ocean, I drop my red and white skimboard on an inch of water receding back into the depths of the ocean. I leap on top of the skimboard, skimming across the surface of water like a skipping stone. A wave forms directly ahead of me. As I approach, I throw my weight onto my back foot, hurling my body and hips around to catch the curl of the wave before getting engulfed in its clutches.

This is the Outer Banks… My favorite place to visit when the weather is warm. This is the perfect place to view sunsets over the sand dunes, sneak a break from school the week before finals, or just relax on the beach. Located several hours from Buena Vista, Outer Banks is the ultimate college getaway. If you travel in the off-season such as May, October, or November, you will find decreased activity and prices everywhere. This is also a great vacation to take after finals week (or right before) as prices will be cheap and you could save a few pennies!

The Perfect Beach Bum Location was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.