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Review: Red Rising Series

By Riley Rehl

“Live for More”

Written by Pierce Brown, Red Rising is the first book in the dystopian science fiction Red Rising Trilogy. I’ve known about this book for over five years, but it wasn’t until last month that I finally decided to start and subsequently finish the series. As a fantasy and romance book lover, the idea of reading a lengthy science fiction book intimidated me. If you find yourself in that position, do not fear. This book is so much more than planets and space travel!


Darrow has never seen the sky. He is a Red, a member of the lowly mining caste in the color-coded society of the future. Like his fellow Reds, he willingly spends his life digging underground, believing his sacrifice will make the surface livable for future generations.

Then Darrow makes a horrible discovery. Humanity actually reached the surface generations ago. The Reds are slaves, in service to a decadent ruling class.

Longing for justice, driven by the memory of lost love, Darrow joins the resistance to destroy society from within. He will stop at nothing to bring down his enemies…even if he has to become one of them to do it.*

The first book sets up the friendships and relationships of the characters that will continue through the trilogy. The experiences each character endures binds them to each other. As a reader, you are left emotionally connected to the characters in this story. Darrow goes through so many hard experiences that we have never been through, but the feelings and emotions he endures are ones we can all relate to.

The second book continues the story of Darrow. He is plunged into the scheming and twisted world of politics, haunted by the blood feuds made years ago. As he struggles to be seen as a formidable investment amongst the Gold leaders of the Society, Darrow learns who his true friends are.

The third and final book in the Red Rising Trilogy details battles and the continued struggles of overthrowing a society that keeps low colors enslaved. People of every color have to decide on whom they will stand with. This book (and this series) will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

Things to Note:

Pierce Brown is not afraid to kill characters. I have never read a book series that kills off as many main characters as this series does… It’s honestly refreshing. Although it can be painful in the moment, it allows the reader to be introduced to new characters, stories, and experiences. I also appreciate that Brown created curse words based on a character’s color and background, instead of using “normal” profanity, which is an element of these books I also appreciate. I listened to the Audiobook version of the Red Rising Trilogy, which can be found on Audible or Hoopla (using your local library login information). The audiobook reader, Tim Gerard Reynolds, is fantastic and does the book justice with a vivacious performance.


I highly recommend reading the Red Rising Saga! The world-building of Red Rising, Golden Son, and Morning Star are fantastic and unique. These books are an experience that will leave you laughing, feeling betrayed, crying, and hopeful. I recommend adding the Red Rising Saga to your TBR today!


Review: Red Rising Series was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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