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Quantumania Unleashed: Review of Ant-Man and The Wasp’s Latest Adventure

By: Jake Harmon

You’ve probably seen Teenie Weenie Beanie by Paul Rudd, but have you seen this small actor’s new indie movie? Okay maybe it’s not too indie — it did have a budget of $200 million.

Ant Man and the Wasp was not the movie I expected– I don’t think anyone expected everything that happened in this movie. Especially seeing MODOK’s butt… The movie was a wild ride through and through. However, I enjoyed the movie and would recommend it to anyone that enjoys the sci-fi genre (and shares the love of a good action adventure).

This movie review will be relatively spoiler free, but prepare for a few minor ones.

With the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) being around for about 15 years now, a lot has been accomplished. The climax of the MCU movies are Infinity War and Endgame. Since these movies came out, there has been a decline in interest and engagement with the new MCU movies. While the movies are still making a killing, we can all agree it is being bogged down and not talked about nearly as much as they used to be.

With the latest release of Ant-man and the Wasp: Quantamaina, I can happily say it brought a breath of fresh air into the MCU. Now, if you just don’t enjoy Marvel movies, I don’t think this will open your eyes. But if you are a fan of sci-fi and action, it should be on your watch list. The new setting of the quantum realm is really quite amazing. With odd faces and strange creatures, the quantum realm feels very real.

Kang is a great villain in the comics and Jonathan Majors delivers with his performance. Majors comes off as a real threat not to be taken lightly. With help from MODOK, they are quite the pair. MODOK is an odd character to look at as he is wonderfully created. He is funny and fits in the world surprisingly well for being a giant floating head with tiny arms and legs.

The humor in this movie is good and doesn’t feel too overwhelming, compared to some of the other MCU movies out there. The jokes don’t feel forced or too overdone. The comedy fits the mood and there are even some serious moments where you can feel the stress and worry. This movie does a great job at pressing the correct emotions onto their audience for each scene.

This movie had me both laughing and at the edge of my seat. While you can see the MCU we know so well, the new feel of the quantum realm really helps bring some new life to the MCU. It is worth a watch if you enjoy science fiction and love the feel of exploring amazing new worlds. It has good fight scenes and looks absolutely stunning. Paul Rudd delivers a wonderful performance per usual. If this is what the MCU will be like from now on, I’m excited. I’d rate this movie a 7.8/10 for its solid plot line and acting.

Quantumania Unleashed: Review of Ant-Man and The Wasp’s Latest Adventure was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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