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Spring Break: A Pocket of Peace

By Olivia Norton

As waves crashed against the shore, a warm breeze wrapped itself around me like a blanket. The fading light of day dropped below the California coast as we looked on…

Maria, Liv, Emily, and Anica (Image by: Liv Norton)

It was spring break of my senior year of high school. Unlike most students, my class didn’t get to have a senior trip. I don’t know whether that was because of COVID, or just lack of planning, but disappointment weighed heavy on my heart. But then, in a spur of the moment, a trip to California was planned.

It was my sister Emily, my sister-in-law Anica, my nephew Ricky, our foreign exchange student from Austria, Maria, and me who went on the trip. Maria longed to see the ocean again and as desert dwellers, we were in short supply of water. So we packed up our car and started the long drive to the coast.

The drive in and of itself was a party. We took turns choosing music and belting (although not very well) along with Franky Valli, The Beach Boys, Chris Stapleton, and others. We left early before the sun rose in an attempt to get there before it got too late. Surprisingly, there were no complications and we got there on time to check into our cozy Airbnb just a few blocks from the ocean.

As the sun began to set, we felt the pull of the ocean. We grabbed our wallets and strapped Ricky into the stroller and began walking. The aroma of sea salt and food wafted in the air. On the stroll our stomachs got the best of us, so we stopped at a little pizza place to grab something for little picnic by the beach. After getting our food, we became very aware of the way the light was dying and rushed the last little way to the beach… We got there just at the right time!

We sat and savored the salty pepperoni, rich cheese, and other toppings as we watched the ocean play on the sand. The pink sky changed to purple and then blue and a feeling of contentment filled the air. If peace could be captured, it would be that moment. It was just the first evening, but we knew it was about to be the best week (and it really was). Here is a recap of the week from Anica’s instagram page.

I think savoring and sharing these moments is a great way to feel gratitude in our lives and remember why we go through the boring and painful times. Sometimes, all we need to do is look for the pockets of peace. What are your pockets of peace? Let us know by submitting your favorite part of spring break (or the best spring break you’ve experienced)!

Ricky, who is the moment (Image by: Liv Norton)

Spring Break: A Pocket of Peace was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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