October 2, 2024

By Katherine Kloepping

“Your trials, struggles, and concerns may be the very catalyst for to come to know your Savior better as you trust the Lord with all your heart” -President Bonnie H. Cordon

Photo courtesy of google.com

I know how hard it is to stay positive, hopeful, and happy during a season of trials. There have been many times where I have wondered if there was going to be a day where everything would return to normal. But, when you choose to follow Heavenly Father, your life is anything but normal (not in a bad way). Your life becomes adnormally beautiful through difficulties, but also life changing (and I wouldn’t change it for anything).

I’m not writing this to solve your problems, I am not qualified to do that. However, I know what it’s like to face the pain and heartache caused by this fallen world. There have been countless times where I find myself up at 2 a.m. unable to sleep and having a breakdown… Sitting on my floor sobbing and crying out to the Lord, wondering why all of this pain is happening. I know that pain serves a purpose, it’s stated in the scriptures. It is commanded that, through all, we must endure.

You may be wondering what this has to do with feeling the Spirit and hearing His voice. I will tell you this, it has everything to do with it. Sometimes in the midst of these trials, it is hard to hear the still, small voice of the Lord. I have learned that at times I don’t feel His presence, or hear His voice, it is because He is carrying me and comforting me through this time (and I know that He is carrying you). I hope these tips will help you to not only feel comfort, but also to feel Heavenly Father’s love for you.

1. Reading the Scriptures

I am sure many people have told you that by reading the scriptures, it will help you through your spiritual slump. This is a hundred percent true, but my recommendation is for you to read verses that mean the most to you. I’ll be honest, when I feel a block, it is hard for me to open my quad and follow my scripture study schedule. But when I personalize it based on the trial, I feel at peace knowing that this verse, or passage, was written for me at this time. Now, sometimes this doesn’t work but oftentimes, I will come across a passage that I have read countless times will have a new meaning. Almost as if God was saving that verse for this specific time.

Below are some of the verses and passages that have helped, and continue to help, me. Although these verses carry meaning differently for every individual, I hope you’re able to take what you need from them!

Matthew 5–7(reading the beatitudes and the Sermon on the Mount are ones that have brought me the most comfort)

Proverbs 3:5–6 (this verse talks about trusting the Lord and how He is the only One who will be able to direct you)

Psalm 23 (this verse talks about trusting the Lord while on a dark path and that He is the Shepherd guiding us back to where He wants us to be)

Ecclesiastes 3:1–12 (talks about the seasons of trials and tribulations)

John 4:7–30 (talks about the woman at the well and how she was saved from her sins, she was also the first person Jesus revealed that he was the Messiah too)

2. Listen to General Conference talks (old and recent)

Whether you are a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or a member of another religious branch, these talks are for everyone. Being able to hear the Prophet and Apostles talk about a variety of spiritual topics that Heavenly Father has inspired them to talk about always shines a light on the Spirit in my life. Here are some of the talks that have helped me along my journey. They have helped me understand my trials a little better. These talks have helped remind me why I have chosen to put my faith in the Lord and follow Him. Although these talks might not always make the situation better, it has helped me to feel peace and know that I am not alone.

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf gave this talk in october of 2019 and it is called “Your Great Adventure

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland “Fear Not: Believe Only!” given in the April 2022 Conference

Elder Patrick Kearon “He is Risen With Healing in His Wings” gave this talk in the April 2022 Conference

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf “The Way of the Disciple” gave this talk in the October 2009 Conference

President Russell M. Nelson “Let God Prevail” gave this talk in the October 2020 Conference

3. Watch The Chosen TV series

I am sure that you have heard about this show either by friends, commercials, or social media. If you haven’t heard about it, now is the time to listen (or in this case read) what I am telling you. I have watched other Christ centered movies and shows before, but nothing compares to The Chosen. Jonathan Roumie, who plays Jesus, brings a new light to the Savior. Jesus in this show is compassionate, kind, funny, and loving. I’ll be honest, a lot of these scenes have made me feel so many emotions, not ones that I have felt before watching a television show. I would suggest having tissues on hand because things get emotional really fast.

Here are some of my favorite scenes:




4. Music

I love music, but most importantly, my spiritual music. There have been many times where I have been able to play some music and be able to feel the Spirit. I am going to list a few of my favorites but you will have to wait for the Spiritual Playlist (coming soon).

Just be held by Casting Crowns

Rescue by Lauren Daigle

Hold on to me by Lauren Daigle

How Firm a Foundation sang by the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square

For the Beauty of the Earth sang by the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square

How Great Thou Art sung by Elvis Presley

Oh My Soul by Casting Crowns

Closer to God by Anne Wilson

Just know this, you are not alone in your battle. Heavenly Father is by your side each and every step of the way. Seek Him and pray unto Him and He will guide you. Keep faith and remember, each trial serves for His divine purpose.

How To Stay Spiritual and Hopeful During A Season of Trials was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.