October 2, 2024

By Anna Liu

Thanksgiving break is over, and now it’s the two most stressful weeks of the semester. I’m sure your Canvas to-do list seems overwhelming and sleep is a bonus rather than a necessity. I can’t help you with your sleep schedule, but I can offer a very valuable resource to help you with your load of assignments.

You may be familiar with Knights Against Procrastination. If you aren’t, don’t worry! That’s what I’m here for. Knights Against Procrastination is a study space that the Writing Center on campus hosts twice a semester. Mark your calendars: the next date is Tuesday, December 6! Come study with your fellow students; tutors of all subjects will be there to help you out. Dr. Maitland (head of Writing Center and professor of English studies) always buys a ton of snacks from Sam’s Club for all the hardworking students who show up. If that isn’t enticing enough, if you show up, you’re automatically entered into a raffle. Winners are announced every half hour and I’m not going to lie, there are some pretty good prizes.

I know you all have homework you’ve been dreading to do, and Knights Against Procrastination is a great place to do it at. See you all there!

Knights Against Procrastination: Where We All Stress Out Together was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.