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Aspiring Authors Don’t Want to Miss This Chance!

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Do you have a story that’s aching to be told? A character that needs to be showcased to the world? Orson Scott Card, author of best-seller Ender’s Game, is head of the Center for Popular Fiction here at Southern Virginia University. Tryouts to be a part of the Center are coming up!

What is the Center for Popular Fiction, exactly? It’s a program that gives aspiring fiction writers the chance to receive feedback from peers and professors. If you make it in, then you get to take Popular Fiction Practicum, which is once a week on Tuesdays. There, you get to brainstorm various writing strategies and scenarios, as well as examine the strategies of published authors. You’ll also be able to take a writing workshop from Orson Scott Card. In spring 2020, I took a novel writing workshop class from Professor Card, and I received critiques that will forever impact how I write. I highly recommend trying out!

Here are the details for tryouts:

A few words of advice: make sure you have a firm grasp on point of view and setting up a scene. Don’t be nervous! (I think Card can smell fear.) Good luck, fellow writers!

Aspiring Authors Don’t Want to Miss This Chance! was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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