October 2, 2024

By Chloe Cochran

Courtesy of https://svu.exposure.co/convocation2022/photos/8015664/download

Friday, October 14, is a day to remember as Knights came together to celebrate the beginning of the ’22 Homecoming weekend. Located in the Stoddard Center, students, faculty, and alumni gathered to listen to Southern Virginia institute teachers, Provost of the University, musical groups, and more.

Forum started off with a special welcome from Provost Lambert, following with an itinerary of Homecoming events that are set to take place this weekend. Click here to view the activities put on by Southern Virginia.

Quickly after Provost Lambert’s welcoming statement, Mariela Perez announced a Spanish-spoken prayer over the University. To follow her, Chamber Choir, conducted by Professor Kyle Nielsen, performed “Come, Thou Count of Every Blessing.” Following the performance of the Chamber Choir, Provost Lambert took stage again, introducing the following speakers: Kate Huber, Brother Mark Schmidt, Brother Neil Carpenter, and Brother Terrol Williams.

Kate Huber, Institute Student Council President

Kate Huber used her time on stage to invite students to take Institute classes. Huber offered her own advice, admitting the closeness they’ll feel towards God when taking an Institute course.

Brother Mark Schmidt, Institute teacher

Brother Mark Schmidt took the stage after Huber, starting his speech with the introduction of electronics within the world. Through his introduction, Brother Schmidt posed the question, what is truth? Explaining what truth is, Brother Schmidt turned to the gospel to say “Jesus Christ is the definition of truth.” With the verse John 8:32, Schmidt asked his audience to replace the word “truth” with “Jesus.” In doing this, Brother Schmidt concluded his testimony by the shared idea of Jesus is truth.

And ye shall know Jesus, and Jesus shall make you free (John 8:32).

Brother Neil Carpenter, Institute teacher

Brother Neil Carpenter opened his speech with the question, “How do I recognize God’s voice?” Using an example from his own life, Brother Carpenter efficiently provided an answer to his question. Offering real-life experience, he shared the reason that led him to Southern Virginia; God’s voice. He, as explained in his story, was led by the Spirit to move and teach in Virginia. As his story wrapped up, Brother Carpenter offered listeners words of advice: consider God’s voice, yearning, and beckoning, to come home. You’re wanted..

“Nevertheless, I went forth and heard his voice,” Brother Neil Carpenter.

Brother Terrol Williams, Institute teacher

Brother Terrol Williams started his speech with the introduction of Robert Frost’s poem “Death of the Hired Man.” Brother Williams used this poem to introduce the main topic of his speech; home. Throughout his talk, Brother Williams shared key information on what home is. Offering guidance, Brother Williams concluded his talk by sharing the following; “All seek to find a home at Southern Virginia, a place that provides education, family, and a religious safety net. But, our true home lies in Jesus Christ and the universe he created for us.”

Jesus didn’t condemn, he opened his door and offered a place for individuals to stay. It didn’t matter how they came home. All who come to him receive mercy and compassion, and an invitation to walk with him.

Homecoming Forum closed with the traditional hymn “Love One Another,” and students were dismissed to attend classes as usual. For more information on Forum and Homecoming events, click here.

Homecoming Forum: Everything You Need to Know was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.