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Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice

Derek Lionberger

Move over mouth breathers, it’s time for the cool people to enjoy the best time of the year. That’s right, summer (the worst season of them all) is finally over. Some nimrods would like to tell you that fall is a terrible season. But, I’m gonna show you exactly why this is the most fantastic season of the year.

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about autumn is the elite food choices that are available. Boat loads of apples and pears, all of the Thanksgiving foods like turkey, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and every pie imaginable. Of course, we also have to break out the pumpkin spice (shoutout to all the white girls). *Speaking of holidays, can we all agree that autumn has the greatest run of holidays possible? You start off with Octoberfest, then Halloween, followed by Dia de los Muertos, then Thanksgiving. I can’t name a better run of holidays to compete against that.*

Not only are the food and holidays great, there is also peak entertainment during this time of year. Football season starts, that’s basically another religion for most people. Baseball playoffs, hockey, and basketball. Not only do we get to watch all of the best sports, we arguably get the best movie genre ever; scary movies. Who doesn’t love to cuddle up in a blanket with your significant other (or homies, I don’t judge) and scare yourself for days on end? The Conjuring franchise, Insidious, Halloween, and Nightmare on Elm Street are some great movies to get you started on your binge-watch. You can also watch kid-friendly movies like Addams Family, Nightmare before Christmas, and Monster House. This time of the year is just top tier entertainment.

Courtesy of Dreamstime

The final thing to mention about this time of year is the season’s gorgeous aesthetic . Pumpkin patches, apple orchards, and corn fields are all great places to spend your day. The leaves are changing and that makes for some absolutely stunning photographs. You can’t talk about picture perfect moments without also mentioning the outfits that elevate the photos. Now that it is not miserably hot, you can bust out the flannels, sweaters, cardigans, and jeans, that were in the back of your closet. Not to mention, finally being able to wear a hoodie and sweatpants. There is nothing better than cozying up in sweats and a blanket on a crisp, cool, fall night.

If you look at my esteemed colleagues article, you will see his (incorrect) take on this wonderful fall season. Don’t be tempted by the dark side, this is the best time of the year and every sane person knows it. So break out the flannel, get yourself a pumpkin spice latte (shout out to the white girls again) and enjoy this beautiful season!

Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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