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October Madness

Derek Lionberger

Everybody loves the excitement of March Madness; the joy of picking one game right, and then getting every other game absolutely wrong and throwing your remote at the TV. Because of this, I came up with the brilliant idea to bring that pain and excitement into the month of October. I don’t care how old you are, trick-or-treating and munching on your candy afterwards is always a fun activity. With an October Madness bracket put in place, we can finally end the long standing debate of the best Halloween candy.

Every weekday in October, the Herald will be posting surveys on Instagram. You will all get the opportunity to vote, making sure your favorite candy survives and advances. Finally, on the day of Halloween, we will be down to the championship round and determine the best of the best trick-or-treating candy. Following each week’s votes, will be an article that announces the remaining candies and any major events that occurred in the previous week’s round.

So, without further ado, let’s introduce all of the candies and their matchups for the first round:

Left Side

Nerds vs. Whoppers

Laffy Taffy vs. Butterfinger

Dum Dum’s vs. Snickers

Twizzlers vs. Reese’s Pieces

Caramel Apple Suckers vs. Hershey Bars

Sour Patch Kids vs. Milk Duds

Fun Dip vs. Baby Ruth

Skittles vs. 100 Grand

Right Side

Gummy Bears vs. M&M’s

Milky Way vs. Candy Corn

Pay Day vs. Reese’s

Airheads vs. Twix

Runts vs. Heath

Smarties vs. Crunch Bar

Starburst vs. Mr. Goodbar

Flavored Tootsie Rolls vs. Kit Kat

Kit Kat is my lock to win it all, but it will have some strong competitors on that side in a potential Twix or Reese’s matchup. Keep an eye out for Twizzlers; they might not have the capabilities to be a championship level team, but they could provide some upsets and close matchups.

October Madness was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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