October 2, 2024

By Makinna Winterton

For this article, I didn’t want to ask ordinary questions. So, being one of the only attractions in the Buena Vista area, I decided to ask a random person about their Cookout order.

Sienna Barrows (’24) says her order is a chicken strip tray. But, the real reason she goes to Cookout is for their cheerwine floats. Thinking this was false, I went out and tried one (it was definitely worth my while).

Since Sienna’s opinion is obviously right, here are some of her other answers to my weird questions:

  1. Sienna is a biology/pre-med major potentially wanting to do some type of surgery.
  2. Her biggest pet-peeve is when people chew loudly (but this only pertains to food, not gum).
  3. Sienna had some bad roommates her first year and says on-campus roommate living is the worst (she didn’t let me in on the tea of this experience, but I could tell there was a lasting grudge).

If you’re looking for something new to spice up your cookout order, or just a little adventure with your friends, try Cookout’s cheerwine float. And when you try (and love) the float, make sure to thank Sienna!

Cookout’s Cheerwine Float: Is It Actually Good? was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.