October 2, 2024

Derek Lionberger

Get to know Gabe, the coolest painter on the Southern Virginia University campus.

Last week, I had the opportunity to interview Gabe Frazier while he worked on renovations for Southern Virginia’s Main Hall. Throughout our interview, I asked him the life-changing questions that everyone needed to know about him. The following are his answers:

Where are you from?

I am from Arizona, but I moved to Lexington this summer with my dad because of his new job at Sodexo.

What are you majoring in?

I’m actually not a student here at Southern Virginia. I got my mission call to Syracuse, New York and I leave for the MTC in two weeks. But if I did go to school here, I would go into business. I hope to invest in my own stocks or own my own business someday.

What do you like about Southern Virginia University?

I think it is a very nice campus. I love the red brick vibe of the buildings.

What are your favorite activities in town?

I really like going to Straws and The Axe Warehouse.

What is your favorite place to eat in town?

Honestly, I love the Knight’s Dining Hall the most. I’ve been to the two BBQ places here in town and I care for either of them.

What is your worst date experience?

The worst date I ever went on was at a “Mormon prom” in high school. The girl I brought with me was very quiet and awkward; she didn’t talk to me very much the whole night. She also brought her sister along with us, which made it even more awkward.

If you see Gabe around campus or painting the halls before he leaves for the Missionary Training Center, stop and say hi to this very interesting guy!

Courtesy of Derek Lionberger

Getting Down with Gabe was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.