October 2, 2024

By Josh Skabelund

What is your name?

Abigail Sharon

Where are you from?

Hermiston, Oregon

What are a few things about you that people should know? (do you play sports? Hobbies, Music etc?)

I came to [Southern Virginia University] to be a part of the swim team, and I am now on the track team as well.

Do you take time to pick out what you’re going to wear before each day? Or a game?

I feel like I take longer than I need to take when I pick out my outfits in the morning. I will stare at my closet for a while, thinking through every situation I am going to be in that day and the best outfit for those situations.

Dress up or dress down? (Suit and tie or sweats and slides kinda deal?Explain)

I would rather dress down. I usually like to be comfortable when I go about my day in some comfortable jeans and a t-shirt.

If you could pick one outfit out of your closet to wear for the rest of your life what would it be? (Break it down)

I would wear a specific pair of jeans that I have that fit me really loosely and probably a soft t-shirt.For my shoes, I’d probably wear slides because they’re the most comfortable.

Favorite ways of finding new pieces to add to your wardrobe?(Do you thrift or buy online?)

I have recently discovered how to thrift my clothes. Now, I like finding nice clothes for cheap this way. I also like to go on random shopping sprees through online shopping, but I never buy as many items that are actually in my cart.

Who do you find inspiration from in pop culture? Do you style your fits after anyone in particular?

I don’t think I style my fits after anyone in particular or find inspiration from pop culture.

Vintage or modern? Why?

I would choose vintage. I’ve been trying to slowly add more vintage clothes to my wardrobe so most of my clothes right now are more modern.

What is your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?

My favorite piece of clothing in my wardrobe is a pullover sweater from my dad that fits kind of oversized– it’s really comfortable.

Who has the best style on campus? (Who else should we interview?)

Lane Matthews.

Anything else you want to share?

Shoutout to 5 Dollar Thrift and 1 Dollar Bids where I find amazing clothes for a great price.

Photo Courtesy of Abigail Sharon

Student Style: Abigail Sharon was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.