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Meet Kristo Puente !

Student Highlight: Kristo Puente!

By Marcos Da Silva Dias

Meet Kristo Puente, a very friendly guy with a good work ethic. You probably saw him hanging around campus before– kind of hard not to see a 6’4 tall, good looking guy walking around the Dining Hall.

Puente came to Southern Virginia University to study political science while playing volleyball. He was in New Mexico with his dad, practicing volleyball, when he heard about the University. His coach in New Mexico is friends with Coach Tom of the men’s volleyball team here at Southern Virginia, which was the key for Puente to come here.

Kristo Puente was born in Anaheim, California, but grew up in São Paulo, Brazil.

Son of an American dad and Brazilian mother, he has a very bold dream: become the president of one of the nations in which he has citizenship. Yes, he has 2 citizenships.

He knows he still has a long way to go, a lot to learn and do before achieving his dream, but he is working hard for it. Kristo believes that he can change the system and that is why he dreams about becoming a president. He wants to show people that a president can understand and be understood by the population.

One thing people don’t know about him is that when he gets angry, he internalizes the stress. Maybe that is a good trait for a president! We cannot be sure if he is really going to become a president, but we do know one thing– he is really lucky to be here at Southern Virginia with us and we wish him all the best.

Meet Kristo Puente ! was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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