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Student Style: Kai West

By Josh Skabelund

What is your name?

Kai West

Where are you from?

Ripon California, the world’s most okayest farm town.

What are a few things about you that people should know?

I love board sports, but I’m also a swimmer at Southern Virginia. Also, I was raised on alternative rock and grunge so most of my music taste revolves around that.

Do you take time to pick out what you’re going to wear before each day?

Every single day I try to pair up something new I haven’t worn before. But, I don’t have enough clothes for that.

Dress up or dress down?

Sweats and slides every day of the week.

If you could pick one outfit out of your closet to wear for the rest of your life what would it be? (break it down)

A simple monochrome hoodie with either an oversized band T or a shirt with a cool graphic on top with a hat and either gray or blue jeans.

Favorite ways of finding new pieces to add to your wardrobe?(do you thrift buy online?)

My good friend Josh (who asked me to do this interview) introduced me to the joys of thrifting. I don’t think I’m ever going to go back.

Who do you find inspiration from in pop culture? Do you style your fits after anyone in particular?

I honestly don’t know anyone who dresses like I do now. I feel like a teenager from the early 2000s in 2022.

If I looked in your wardrobe what brands, eras would I find and see?

A lot of faded worn out T’s from the 90’s, 00’s, and 10’s. Clothing brands don’t really matter to me. As long as it fits my aesthetic, I don’t really care what era or brand it’s from.

Vintage or modern? Why?

A blend of both. Vintage definitely suits my style more so I’ll wear that stuff on the outside, but the comforts of modern clothing can’t be beat, hence the hoodie I wear under most of my shirts.

What is your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe?

A beat up NASA hat my older brother found and gave me for my birthday, I’d wear it everyday if I could.

Any tips for someone who wants to dress better?

Find a friend who has a great sense of style (like the guy writing this article) and either straight up copy them or ask them to take you where they shop. People like to dress up at thrift stores to flex so I got a lot of inspiration from places like that ( a lot of the time you can just clash clothes these days and it’ll be “fashionable”).

Who has the best style on campus? (who else should we interview)

Parker Kam.

Anything else you want to share?

Clothes really boost my confidence. If you’re feeling insecure or nervous about something, dress yourself up, however that means to you. Maybe it’s a three piece suit or a cool t-shirt and jeans, I hope it’ll help you take a step forward in the right direction.

Student Style: Kai West was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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