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READ THIS If You’re Staying For Summer Semester

By Riley Rehl

Here at Southern Virginia University, the summer semester is almost upon us. If you’re one of the 250 students signed up for the summer term, here is all the insider info you need about what to do and how to make the most of a summer in Buena Vista!

Student Life Activities

Student Life holds activities throughout the summer semester. Last year, they took students hiking, strawberry picking, and out for pizza! Keep an eye out for their summer activity plans!

Bridge Jumping

Trips to the James River Footbridge are a classic for college students in the area. It’s guaranteed that groups of students will be going to the river and Panther Falls all summer long!

Frisbee Night

Everyone is welcome to come to a weekly frisbee night at the fields (most likely happening on Monday nights at 7 p.m.)! Come get a great workout, meet new friends, and watch the beautiful sunset every week!


Southern Virginia Institute of Religion classes will continue throughout the summer term. Whether it’s for Southern Virginia University credit or just to feel the spirit each week, come join a class! You can follow the institute’s Instagram for updates about summer classes (@southernvirginiainstitute) or click here to sign up for classes!

Join the GroupMe

If you’re staying for the summer, join the summer GroupMe for all the details on student-run activities during the summer. Students who hold game nights or take camping trips share it in the chat. So make sure you join that to stay informed! When summer term starts, make sure to ask around and another student can add you!

Whether you’re just staying here for the summer to work or to take extra credits, I hope these ideas get you even more excited for the summer semester!

READ THIS If You’re Staying For Summer Semester was originally published in The Herald on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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